Huh- That IS Different

Since we're living this slower pace of life- what are weird things you've noticed are different or have more time for, or made a change?

Weirdly- I do a LOT (like- SIGNIFICANTLY) much less laundry.  Odd- because I make the kids wash their sheets weekly now.  It turns out- Andrew not running through 3 million sweatshirts, school clothes, baseball clothes, and coming home clothes- does reduce the amount of laundry. 

Here's another random thing- we've decided to make time for . . . so about 3 months (maybe 4 because, who really knows about the passage of time right now) we got word that our trash collection service was no longer recycling glass.  WHAT?!  I am an AVID recycler.  I mean- if our recycling bin doesn't get picked up every other week . . . it's overflowing.  Well- coincidentally- the county opened a dump up within a 1/2 mile of our house.  We decided- let's stop our trash service (we live outside of city limits).  We can start taking the trash to the dump.  This is actually not too bad a deal.  We really only have to do it for about a year.  Because within a year . . . Andrew will have his license and he'll love doing random errands like . . . take everything to the dump.  So- we have a recycling sorting area in the garage, and a trash can and weekly we take the trash to the dump.  Frankly- it's a good deal.  It's $1.25 per 32 gallon trash bag.  If I only take 1 bag a week- that's $65 for the year (recycling is free).  I paid $80 every 4 months.  I should save money . . . I hope.  There was an initial upfront cost because I had to buy recycling cans and the big trashcan- but I think overall I'll save money.  The first week I took 3 bags, but we had cleaned out a bunch of stuff- so that was an odd week.  Since then- it's only been 1 bag a week. 

I fertilize my plants way more than I have historically.  Between my fertilizing and the rain this week . . . my tomato plants have grown like- 10 inches. 

I am wasting way more time on TikTok than I should.  What's kind of hilarious about it is this: last year- around this time, a co-teacher and I were trying to understand what TikTok was.  Our students were trying to explain it to us, and we were like "WHAT?"  We just didn't get it.  We laughed and laughed because we realized it was the app that made us not part of this generation.  It's cool.  I'm part of the generation and I've even made a TikTok.  It's not cool.  Don't go search it out.  But I have been watching TikTok's- and I have an idea for some more.  So . . . I might start making some.  I'm cool like that.  Just ask Andrew.  He "loves" that I'm gonna start making TikToks. 


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