Quarantine Week 3

Well we are doing this y'all!!! We are surviving this.  Everyday isn't the best.  I had a couple of low days this week, but overall we're hanging in there.

I have some things to confess that are going to make you laugh AT me and think, "Good grief.  This girl! What a weirdo!"  Way back at the beginning, like maybe Week 1, Day 1 or 2- I was having trouble sleeping because I was having really weird dreams.  One night I heard someone in our room whisper, "Hey."  It sounded like a male voice.  It wasn't Doug.  He was asleep.  I didn't see Andrew, and I didn't think Andrew came in- usually when Andrew comes around, our dog wags her tail at him.  Then I had the old imagination run wild- because what was that whispered, "Hey?!"  I didn't actually see the dog.  I was too afraid to sit up, because if I sat up and looked around I might see her murdered, and see a lunatic laying on the floor in our house.  Or . . . what if Doug or Andrew had gone crazy from the idea of quarantining and were laying in wait to kill me?  I knew that was not happening.  Ok?!  I knew that.  Mostly.  But it lead to a whole line of thinking of like, "What if we turn into The Shining?  What if we're like that dude Jack Nicholson played?  Isolating ourselves becomes too much and we go crazy?"  (Side note- that movie freaked me the hell out.  For real.  The idea of losing your mind AND becoming a psychotic killer is crazy scary to me.) So- then I didn't sleep so hot for the rest of the night worrying that quarantining would make us crazy and how this would all impact us.   

So- the good news is, none of us have turned into psychotic killers. 

I did struggle with motivation this week.  There were 2 days that I was so lethargic and had no motivation to do anything.  One day I got less than 2,000 steps all day.  Alexa had a couple of days that were rather emotional.  I can't remember if they coincided with my lazy days.  Andrew chopped a ridiculous amount of wood this week.  Even Doug was a bit less motivated than usual- but still way more motivated than me. 

Before this week began, I wondered if this would be a hard week for me.  We'd done the "Frantic/What the Heck Is Going On!"week, we did the "All Right, Settle In, We've Got This!" week, and this week was the "Oh My Gosh This Is Legit" week.  I am hoping the upcoming weeks are the "Alright, This Is Our New Normal" week. 

I keep seeing things like, "When we get done and go back to normal . . . " except it's not going to be like, YES, WE ARE FREE!!! and immediately go back to normal.  First, there will be the celebration, then there's going to be the struggle to readjust to another new normal, and then it'll be normal, until we start to realize there were permanent changes, and then there will be a new normal. 

Anyway- hopefully you are handling this quarantine well.  If nothing else, my yard is going to be on point, and I'm going to be awesome at hitting baseballs off the tee, and I'm going to be incredibly well read, and way more technologically savvy, and my oven will have to replaced from being overworked, and I'll be updated on all kinds of television shows (But NOT Tiger King.  That wasn't for me.  I tried one episode and was like, "Ehhhhh, no."  So sorry. )


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