Interpretive Boomerang

Thank goodness we had a half day with students, so that teachers could stay and have professional development- it meant we got to jet out of school at 3:00pm and get home and work in the yard before it rains . . . yet.  again.  (insert MAJOR eye roll!)  Andrew mowed, Doug weed eated, and I weeded/picked up sticks/de-pooped the yard.

While we were doing all of this stuff, Doug would periodically try to communicate with Andrew or I.  The trouble is- he would be across the yard, using hand motions to try to communicate.  I can't hear you, or understand your hand motions, dear.  I just nod and pretend I understand (who am I kidding?  I do that even when I could hear and understand him.) Alexa and I decided to have a little fun re-enacting how we see Doug's attempt at communicating through hand motions:

This is how Doug tells Andrew to go back, do it again

This is how Doug tells Andrew to blow the grass clippings towards the middle of the yard

This is how Doug tells Andrew to go back, go back! 

This is Doug telling me to hop to it!

This is what Doug looks like when he's telling me he ran out of gas for the weed eater

This is how Doug tells me he needs the pruners.  

What a great afternoon outside!!  The yard is clean, I got to poke fun at Doug, and I got to get back to blogging!!!  I'd say a great day, all in all. 


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