I'm Still the Student

Today I was walking out of the cafeteria, after going to visit some students and teachers, and had just witnessed one of the sweetest, most endearing acts.  I was teetering between smiling like a loon and shedding a few tears because it was such a sweet, thoughtful thing. 
I've said it before- but in case you're a new reader, or forgot or whatever- I'm a special education teacher.  I work in a high school.  Mostly I work with small groups of special education students that are following the curriculum to get a high school diploma, or I co-teach with content teachers in typical/regular high school English or math classes.  I LOVE what I do.  Love it.  Are there things I don't love- sure.  I HATE doing paperwork.  I hate doing paperwork on deadlines.  I get why I have to do paperwork- but it doesn't mean I like to do it.  

Last year I had a group of freshman that were, for lack of a better word, precious.  They were innocent, and kind, and considerate, and funny, and sweet.  They were all of those things to each other and to me.  I had 12 of them.  Everyday I worked with them, and marveled at how an entire group of kids was that precious.  They are so diverse- which is what makes it even more amazing that as individuals and as a group they were so sweet.  I had a couple of ROTC kids, some serious gamers, a cheerleader, a partier, and some just flying under the radar.  They invite each other to their birthday parties.  They look out for each other.  It is honestly, the most amazing and unique (in the best possible way) group of kids.  

One of the students I am particularly amazed with has significant issues with her motor skills.  She is unable to stand independently.  She has trouble with the muscles in her eyes, so her eyes fatigue quickly from reading.  She has fine motor struggles and writing is exhausting.  She NEVER complains.  Ever.  She works a bazillion times harder- physically- than any other kid.  I've never seen her quit.  I've never seen her use her physical disability as an excuse to not do as assignment.  I've never seen her be rude, unkind or anything other than sweet.  She has one of the most beautiful smiles and it literally lights up her entire body.  She LOVES to help her peers.  She's fairly popular with her classmates because she is so genuinely kind.  Let's call her Cinderella (this is actually super fitting because she's super sweet, but one of her friends calls "The Queen.") 

Today- when I ran into the cafeteria, I saw a student from another class sitting alone.  It hurt my heart.  This young lady is sweet, but she is super quiet.  She almost never talks, which probably makes it tough to join a group of peers at their table.  I talked to her briefly and as I walked away I saw Cinderella, and it all clicked into place.  

When I told Cinderella about the girl sitting alone, she said, "Where is she?! I'll go meet her and bring her to our table."  

Y'all- I can't even handle how thoughtful and caring she is.  This young lady, who works so hard- and could easily be angry, resentful, or entitled- is giving and considerate and loving.  And today- she taught me way more than I've taught her- that's for dang sure.  


  1. There is hope in this world today! Hallelujah!


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