Fart Machine

I bought Andrew a fart machine for Christmas.  It's remote control.  It seemed like the kind of thing a 7th grader would really dig.  I was right.  

So, I put it in a gift bag, but I kept the remote out. I decided that while we were unwrapping our Christmas gifts, I would sporadically set the fart machine off.  Oh man did I laugh at how funny that would be.  I mean . . . farts on Christmas morning?! Oh my gosh.  How funny.  (yes.  I know.  I have a very childish sense of humor.).  It was a bit of a disappointment when no one really reacted to it- but it has since made up for it.  Because the remote can work from a pretty good distance.  

One night, over break Andrew had a couple of friends spend the night.  They snuck downstairs and apparently hid it in my room.  I was folding laundry when I heard it go off.  I spent 15 minutes crawling around on the floor by Doug's dresser waiting for them to hit the button (up in the bonus room- on the other side of the house) so I could find that fart machine hidden somewhere in that area.  Finally, I found it, ran it upstairs and hid it when they weren't paying attention.  They found it, ran it down the stairs and hid it.  Then I took it, and turned it off.  (I'm only the cool, fun mom one time. hahaha)

We brought the fart machine with us, when we went to celebrate Christmas with my family.  Unfortunately, it was forgotten in Doug's truck until today.  Well . . . it wasn't completely forgotten.  It started randomly going off when Doug was driving.  The first time it freaked him out.  (I wish I would have been there.  Nothing freaks Doug out.  I gotta capitalize on those moments).  Then Andrew heard it when they were on their way somewhere.  hahahaha, driving down the road and hearing unexpected, loud farts.  That's hilarious.  (ok, ok- I'm immature).  Finally, today Andrew remembered it and decided to get it out of Doug's truck, and now we're back to entertaining ourselves with random outbursts from it.  

Nothing like a fart machine to bring a family together.  hahahahahaha


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