Explain This!

You know the scene in "A Christmas Story" where the dad is cursing about the boiler and the mom says, "Little Pitchers?"  That's my current situation with Alexa and . . . everything.  She's hears EVERYTHING and wants to know . . . "What does that mean?"  This is a conversation that happens a LOT in the car, when we're listening to music.  She hears the lyrics and wants to know . . . what does that mean?
I have had to explain some really weird things- in 6 year old terms.
Today we were listening to a country song: "Redneck Woman" by Gretchen Wilson.  The song is basically about a woman who don't care if she's a redneck.  She's gonna keep right on drinking her whiskey, and singing to Tanya Tucker.  Alexa wants to know: "Why does she sing about keeping her Christmas lights on all year long?"  Oh jeez!  It seems easy to say, "Oh- she's just an old redneck who has no clue about societal rules and leaves her Christmas lights on all year."  Except. . . I can't say that.   I don't want her to look at people who leave their lights on all year- and assume it's a negative reflection on their character.  Instead I said, "Well- she's sort of making fun of herself, and saying, "She doesn't care what people think about her- she'll leave her Christmas lights on all year and is cool with it."  That seemed to work.
Another tricky country song . . . "Jolene" by Dolly Parton.  This song is a woman singing to Jolene- to not take her man, even though it would probably be really easy because she's super pretty.  For whatever reason I really like this song.  But Alexa wanted to know "Why is she gonna take her man?" "Uhhhh . . .  because she's a hot, selfish chick that doesn't care about anyone else in the world?" Okay- I didn't say that either. Instead I said, "She's not.  The singer is just feeling anxious about other ladies who think her husband is good looking."
And yet another country song that's tricky: Peter Pan by Kellsea Ballerini.  This song is basically about a dude who won't grow up.  Try explaining that in a way that a 6 year old would get.  Like: "Well this dude is always going to live at home with his parents, and never pay bills, and not be nice to girls . . . "
I mean I could certainly switch genres, but that's not going to stop the questions and potential tricky answers.  Although, I can tell you I better be going through our songs and clearing some off her ipad, because I definitely don't want to explain what  Ginuwine's Pony means!  You can Google that and have a good chuckle at how that conversation would go.


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