Cool . . . or Moronic?

Periodically throughout the elementary years Andrew has come home with common elementary aged type jokes.
Like, "Mom, you say, "Shhh," and I'll say "it."

They're hilarious.  I mean, I totally can't stop laughing. Hah, ha ha, haaa. . .

Sometimes they get more advanced.

"Mom, say "Fork" with a British accent."   Now that one did entertain us for a bit, while I demonstrated my spot on British accent.

Today he said, "Mom!  Hahaha, say "Sofa King."  Well, I'm no do-do, I thought about it first. Nothing.  I couldn't think of a thing.  But . . . it obviously had something, otherwise why would I say such a ridiculous thing.

Finally, after minutes of waiting for me, he says, "So . . . fa king . . . "

Huh.  I see where he's going with that, but who walks around saying, "So f*^#ing."

I pondered on this the rest of the ride home.  I mean, it just doesn't make sense.  We stopped and ran an errand, and the thought still passed through my head, "So f*^#ing. . . "  Really- who says that????  I thought, "People say so f*^#ing cool."  Or "So f*^#ing awesome."  So I told Andrew, "Sofa     King doesn't make sense, but if you said, "So   fa   king cool."  He sat there for a bit and said, "yeah . . . that is better.  I'll tell everyone at lunch tomorrow!"  Ohhhh, shhh   ittttt, I'm so forked (with a British accent), I sure hope Andrew doesn't say that loud enough for teachers to hear.


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