Scaredy Dog

It's National Dog Day, and instead of writing a post glorifying my dog, I'm going to tell you what a goof she is.

It's a good thing she has lots of good qualities, besides protecting me.  She's the biggest . . .scaredy . . . cat, except she's a dog.  She gets scared of sticks, sometimes leaves, mysterious sounds with no source, one time a chair that was sitting near the road on the night before trash pick up.

This whole story is totally related to my goofy dog.  So last year I was having back trouble, which lead to some pretty aggravating sciatic pain.  In the late spring, I went to a licensed, medical professional who specialized in back pain.  Instead of getting actual help, I got a pill pusher.  I got offered everything from hydrocodone to an epidural.  I was disgusted.  On my way home from that total waste of money, I called my dad to vent.  He said, "Kate- I have bad news.  You're going to have to suck it up and go walk."  It wasn't what I wanted to hear, but he was right.  I started that afternoon. I walked 0.2 miles. It took forever, but Dad was right.  The more I walked.  The better I felt.  Over the summer I walked an average of 6 days a week, usually 2 miles a day, sometimes more.  When school started I was worried that I would stop.  If I stop then my back will hurt and that was the worst.  I can't walk at night because I'm too tired.  It has to be first thing in the morning, but that means 5am.

Five in the morning is not as bad as it sounds, except I will admit, it is a little creepy.  I bring the dog with me though.  For the record, I only bring her because if I don't- she'll wake up the whole house whining and pacing because she got left.  However, when I bring her, she spends the entire walk, looking over her shoulder, seeing imaginary monsters in the shadows.  The other morning, a mail box with a vine growing on it, threw her into a total freak out.  I had to literally drag her past the mailbox!!  Seriously?????

My dog is 69lbs.  She's a black lab.  She looks intimidating.  If you walk past us, in a totally nonthreatening, exercising sort of way, she'll bark at you as though you are plotting to pillage the neighborhood.  If you were really lurking around in a nefarious way, she'd sneak past you with her tail tucked, or go the opposite direction.

Luckily, she has a lot of other great qualities such as she's a warm, snuggly body and she is always ready for a walk.  And she's super sweet and tolerant of pretty much anything.  The only trouble is, together, we're both spying werewolves in the shadows.


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