Harry Potter: A Review

Two summers ago, I tried to talk Andrew into reading Harry Potter.  He wasn't into it.  I was devastated.  How could he not LOVE this book????  How could he be related to me????  Did I still love him??????

Last summer, I decided to try a different route.  I let him watch "Sorcerer's Stone."  I remember when that movie came out.  Katie Couric went on the set when the movie was being promoted.   Andrew LOVED the movie and then I was able to convince him to read the book.  Well, I read it, he listened. We got through Books 1,2, & 3 last summer.  Happy days were here again!

I know some people are against the whole Harry Potter series.  Which has always, always, always, puzzled me.  That's such a short sighted theme.  It's like reading To Kill a Mockingbird and saying that it's about a girl living in the South.  Or reading The Old Man and the Sea and saying it's about a dude who went fishing.  If you say Harry Potter is about magic, well okay.  You're 1% right.  But it's about soooooooo much more!!!!!!!!

I was 25 years old when I discovered Harry Potter.  My mom introduced me to it.  I was hooked immediately.  When each of the books: 5, 6, & 7 were released, I would go and buy them at midnight Why?  The excitement!  I think it was the 6th book that I went and bought, came home and laid on the couch and proceeded to read way later than I had any business doing- since I was a parent of a preschooler.  But I was a smart parent, and sent my kid to daycare the next day, so that I could stay home and keep reading it until I was done.

Somehow reading these books with Andrew is totally different for me, then when I read them on my own.  I'm not sure why.  Is it because I am older and therefore significantly wiser (I mean duh- only super wise people leave the freezer door open and let everything in it defrost and have to be thrown away, which is what I did today).  Is it because I am further into my parenthood and I read the books from a different angle?  Is it because I have read articles and reviews of Harry Potter and realize how much more there is to the story than just good old fashioned good vs evil?  Is it because I am reading them so much slower?  I have a tendency to skim and miss a good amount of details when I read on my own.  Now I am getting a lot more details.  Today when we were reading the climax of the story I read something I had no idea about and was surprised.  I've read Book 4 at least 3 times, and I had no idea that particular event happened.

We finished Book 4 today.  I kept crying at the end, because something sad happened to Harry and while there was a mother that was there to comfort him, it wasn't his mother.  His mother does come to him in particular times of need, but . . . she's not there everyday.  It hurts my heart for him.  There's this one part in the final book, that I literally sob when I read it.  Every time.  Tonight as I was finishing reading, Doug and Andrew walked away from me and Alexa looked very concerned.  I kept laughing at myself, so Alexa figured I was okay and not to be too worried.

I am giving Andrew the choice about whether he wants to go on to Book 5.  I think the ending will be stunning and upsetting to him.  I have been very good to not give him any hints about anything.  Although I did assure him that his 2 best friends do not die.  I wouldn't commit to anyone else in the series.  I told him he needs to think about it before he decides if we should read Book 5.  He has a bit of a tender heart, and I don't know how he'll do with book characters dying.  That could be very upsetting.  I quit reading a book series when a favorite character died.  Not a big deal since it was the last book and all, but still! I haven't re-read it . . . much.  And I haven't gone to see the 2nd movie- so there!  That really showed that author.  I am tough like that, except for the fact that I keep crying over Harry.  So I guess I am not really tough at all, just an obsessed fan.  


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