I'm Still 20 Years Old- Right?

Sometimes I forget that I am not still 20 years old.  I mean, in my head, I am still 20.  I can physically do the things I used to do- and even more.  When I was 20 I couldn't run at all, 2 years ago I ran 6 miles (I am hoping in 4 months I'll be running that distance again!).  I listen to the same music (thank goodness Darius Rucker is cool again).  I pretty much wear the same clothes: t-shirts, jeans, and flip flops- albeit the size is a smidge different. 
I just can't see how I am different than a 20 year old.  In fact, here's an example: tonight we were riding back from visiting Nana and Poppy.  I had unbuckled and turned around to the backseat so I could cover Alexa up and help Andrew get his pillow situated so he could fall asleep.  While I am leaning into the back, Doug says, "Dude passing us has a great view of your rear."  So I said, "Should I take my pants down and moon him?!"  And you know what, I really considered it.  And the only thing preventing me from going forth was, I was in an awkward position.  Not that my impressionable 6 year old son was in the back seat, not that I am a 35 year old, college fund account holding, veteran teaching, mortagage paying, retirement account contributing, savings account depositing, mini van driving, mom.  But that I was not in a convenient position. 
Tell me, how can I not be 20?!


  1. God...I feel the same exact way, and I'm forty. I remember asking my grandmother what it felt like to be old (when I was a teenager). She told me she didn't feel old, that she felt exactly how she felt when she was 20. The shocker, she said, was the mirror. As long as she could stay away from the mirror, she was fine. Nicole Clyncke


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