Stomach Viruses Bring Out the Psycho In Me

Poor Andrew.  He has a stomach virus.  Woke me up at 3am to tell me he thought he might need to throw up.  Now the thing with Andrew is- there is NO warning.  Up until this time, he has always puked everywhere- but the toilet or bucket.  So when he told me he might puke at 3am, I whisper shouted, "GO TO THE TOILET!"  Then there was a lot of panicked breathing, writhing on the floor, and attempts at crying.  Suddenly, he looks at me and says, "Nope.  I'm good." and goes off to bed.  So . . . . I get back in bed.  My mind is racing.  I can't go back to sleep, but finally 45 minutes later I drift off, and back in he comes.  This time, instead of telling me, he turns on all the lights on his way to the toilet in my bathroom.  I get up with him, get him a cup of water, wipe off his face, provide the necessary cheerleading  (rubbing his back, and providing words of encouragement)  and as soon as he's finished, before he has even wiped his face, gotten up from the floor, he says- grinning- "Hey! This means I can stay home!!!"  Glad to see you're so broken up over feeling so bad.  He proceeded to spend the rest of the night on the floor by the toilet, on a towel, covered with a blanket- by his choice.  I am thinking the joy of staying home and laying on the couch watching tv all day, has left.  He feels pretty doggone bad.

The one advantage of Andrew having a stomach virus is . . . I can be a psychotic cleaner!  All in the name of keeping the family healthy.  So far today I have cleaned: the bathrooms (especially the toilets), made the beds, changed Alexa's sheets (Andrew's sheets are next), done 2 loads of laundry, cleaned the kitchen super good, cleaned the windows in my bedroom and the kitchen, cleaned under the fridge and mopped behind it, mopped the kitchen floor, vacuumed in the couch, and cleaned the light fixture in the kitchen- because we all know that stomach viruses live in light fixtures and under the fridge.

I feel so productive- and it's only 10:45!!!  I wonder what else I'll clean today?!


  1. My house could use some cleaning. How much do you charge? ;-)


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