Let Me Count the 13 Ways . . .

Today is mine and Doug's 13th anniversary.

As we were sitting at dinner I was thinking, "Man is this night a LOT different than this night 13 years ago." Here are 13 ways my life is different than 13 years ago.

1. My muscle tone- particularly around the midsection.
2.  My hair which has more grey, but yet it is still so much better!  ("wisdom" and vanity cause me to spend ridiculous amounts of money on hair products- more than I spend on clothes)
3. I fed a small person ravioli's, while they wiggled and jostled next to me in the booth, and dropped forks with spaghetti sauce on my pants- tonight.
4.  I am relearning elementary school math.  I think I've got the hang of fractions now.
5. I know Disney Channel characters.  I am able to tell what show either of my children is watching- from another room, just by the voices of the characters
6. My friends are now made at my kids extra curricular events, not at work, not at the gym, not doing a hobby.
7. I can outsmart a 3rd grade joke and can proudly say, "I am not dumb!"  (I passed the "Dumb Test" earlier this evening).
8. I hardly ever read a real book, I mostly read on my Kindle (apparently excessively, since I spent $50 on books last month!).
9. I drive a mini van that has crumbs and crud all over it.  I just had it vacuumed and cleaned out 2 weeks ago- and you can't even tell.
10.  I can sing along to almost every princess song released in the last 20 years.
11. I, nightly, question the hygiene practices of a certain young gentleman.  (I must pause to go give someone the sniff test. He failed.  BOYS!)
12. I am rereading Harry Potter and while I loved it the first time, it's so much better seeing it through the eyes of Andrew (even if he does stink).
13. I understand the rules of football and baseball, and finally learned the difference between man to man and zone defense in basketball.

While I've gotten grayer and fatter- the rest of my life is so rich- those other 2 things are worth it.


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