Embarrasing Dads

Have you seen this story on yahoo?  http://www.shine.yahoo.com/event/momentsofmotherhood/dad-plays-best-prank-ever-on-teenage-son-2493685/#photoViewer=1

It's an article about a dad dressing in costumes daily- while waving at his high school aged son- on the bus.  Here's the blog they did: http://waveatthebus.blogspot.com/  I highly recommend checking it out- it's funny and creative and I like it!

This story reminded my of my own Dad.  Let me just say, I love my Dad.  He's an all around good guy, who bestowed upon me his great sense of humor- and eventually- his laid back personality.  It took a long time and children, but it finally set in.  My Dad is a bit of a prankster, however- he can take it as well as he can dish it.  That is something that my son loves about his Poppy.  He LOVES to tease his Poppy. 

I love this picture of my Dad and Andrew.  They both looks so doggone cute!
When I was in elementary school my good friend lived next door to the love of my life.  Brian- who shall have no other name.  He was a dream boat in a 4th grade dreamy kind of way.  He was taller than me, had brown hair, and he had brothers that he liked to play football with in his front yard. 

At the time my parents had this gigantic boat of a Buick Skylark.  White, 2 door and the fabric on the ceiling was stapled to the ceiling so it wouldn't come down on us.
It looked sort of like this- except white.

So one day, my Dad comes to pick me up from my friend's house and I stupidly say, "There's Brian!" and my Dad honks and waves!!!!!  Oh I was embarrased in a way that only 4th grade silly girls can be. 

Well a few years later, in another state, but a similar situation, there was a boy named Ryan who lived down the street. . . there my dad and I were riding together- but this time I was smart enough to hide on the floor board, so that when my Dad honked and waved . . . at least I wasn't "in" the car. 

As an adult- and quite a bit more wise than I used to be- I am glad to see that the kid who's Dad dressed in different costumes everyday- laughed about it. 


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