
I have a brother.  He's 11 years younger than me.  I am not sure what we fought about, but when he was 7 and I was 18 we had a lot of disagreements.  I used to "torture" by attacking him and kissing all over his face.  My mother made me stop because she was afraid he'd go to school and tell his teachers I'd tortured him and they wouldn't understand what "torture" meant at the Mamroth household. 
He's currently in the Navy, out in the ocean somewhere.  He is an officer on a nuclear submarine.  Since it's a nuclear submarine- or maybe not- but whatever the case- all his information is highly confidential so we don't know when he'll be back, where he is, or what adventures he's partaking in.  I hate that.   I'd love to know what sort of stuff he's doing.  Is he in the Black Sea partaking in the war games that are going on over there?  (which honestly sounds like expensive, nerd stuff).  Is he delivering some Navy Seals to Libya to kill Gaddafi? Or is he just sitting at the bottom of the ocean being boring? 
My sister and I take a little credit for him passing his Officer Candidate School (perhaps more than we're due).  If it weren't for us: rolling him up in rugs and stuffing him closets (that was my sister- not me) or telling him Mom had left us and was never coming back until he cried (that was me)- he wouldn't have been mentally tough enough to withstand the Marine drill sargeants that trained him up.   
I have been thinking of him tonight because I am: making whoppie pies- his favorite cookie and because I went into my bedroom tonight to close up the curtains and get ready for bed and suddenly that horrible Amityville Horror movie popped into my head.  He made me watch it.  While we were watching it, he said, "This is the scariest part to me!"  As a result, I have never forgotten that part (and that's been well over 8 years ago).  Now I scare myself by remembering that part- regularly.  Do you know what the stupid part is?  It's the part where the kid is looking out his window into the night and sees beedy, red eyes looking in the window.  Ooooooh, just typing that part freaked me out. 
It is because of him, that I either: close the curtains before it gets dark- or make Doug close the curtains.  However, tonight I forgot and had to do it myself.  So I scared myself, and now the wind is kicking up . . .


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