I Know About Your Secret Life

The other day I was thinking about a friend who had surprised me with an interest I had no idea about.  Her innocent revelation, lead me to imagining an entire life for her I had no idea about!  She seems like a regular ol' mom, but maybe she's actually like that movie Mr. and Mrs. Smith.  She seems so normal, but when she goes to work, she goes to be a contract killer . . .

It occurred to me several years ago that perhaps I lived a bizarrely boring life and that everyone else had some kind of secret exciting life.  A co-worker was getting a divorce.  She came to work one day and was talking about how the husband she was separating from, had hired a PI to follow her.  I commented, "Oh how boring for him!"   She looked at me sort of oddly and responded, "My car goes up and down the road a lot.  He's probably not bored."  I was like, "Yeah- because picking up kids and taking them to their activities is so interesting."  She just sort of stood there and then said, "yeah, right."  I got the distinct feeling from that conversation, I had no idea what she was doing, but it was obviously not just taking her kids to activities, why else would she be worrying about what the PI had found?

It was that moment that I started thinking of what her secret life could be like.  I mean, you really don't know what happens when people aren't around you.  I am pretty sure I know Doug, but . . . what if he's actually leading a secret life I have no idea about??  It'd be pretty easy, as I have no idea how to check the bank accounts because I can't ever remember the numbers.  I think he goes to work everyday, but maybe he's actually going somewhere else?  He hardly ever answers his phone when I call.  Maybe he's having to get out of the death metal club, he hangs out in, so that I won't hear all that background noise and pick up on his secret?  I know he seems all straight laced and all, but he's probably a leader of a motorcycle gang of killers.  (as a side note, if that happens to be the case, then it'd sure be nice if he could bully one of his minions into laundering us a bit more cash flow, just saying).


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