An Exhibitionist? Not by choice.

This afternoon I was in my bedroom getting my bathing suit on, to take Andrew and Alexa to the pool.  Doug, Andrew, and Alexa were all sitting on the bed, I was standing at the end of the bed, struggling to get my bathing suit on- as I was a bit sweaty and I am sorry, I don't care who you are, what your body size is- if you're a little sweaty or damp- trying to get your bathing suit on is a work out. 
It must have been fascinating business- as all eyes were on me. 
Shortly before I had Andrew someone- a friend? aquaintance? my mother? someone- said, "once you have kids- you no longer have privacy."  Amen sister!
The day after I had Andrew I had just taken my first shower.  When I got in my shower- there was no one in the room.  When I got out of the shower (which was glorious by the way- I felt a million times better!) . . . there were several people knocking on the door.  I was only in my underwear and debated- do I tell them to take a hike?  Or just suck it up and say- "Come on!"   I went for the second option.  And thus began a lifetime of exhibitionist tendencies. 
Yesterday I had to go to the bathroom, I brought Alexa in with me- as she can't bear to be separate from me and quite honestly- it's just easier to have her digging in the drawers and not crying- then standing outside the door crying.  Well- Andrew had something very important to share with me- but got distracted once in there and had to crawl over Alexa and me- to get in the tub?  Why?  I have no idea.  For the record- I wasn't in the bathroom for the long haul.  It was a quick trip. 
Now my question is this- how many of you are laughing because you know exactly what I am talking about? 


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