Brace Yourselves

This is a post for my friends with boys that are 4 and younger.  Brace yourselves ladies.  Your sons seem darling and sweet and cute and wonderful, but something happens to them when they go to kindergarten.  I am not exactly sure why and it doesn't hapen right away, but eventually they will turn into . . . BOYS!!!!  And you will sigh and roll your eyes at their silliness.

Things they might do . . .
1.  They may or may not try to hit the ceiling fan with their nerf sword
2. They may or may not try to turn the tv on with said nerf sword
3.  They may or may not throw their dirty socks onto the top shelf of their bookshelf
4. They may or may not randomly walk up behind you, beat you on the back with their fists and announce "I'm massaging you!"  (remember the "Friends" episode where Monica thought she was a good masseuse and everyone cringed when she touched them?  His "massages" will feel very similar to that.)
5. They may or may not walk up to you and say, "Did you know when you do this (jab himself in the eyes- rather hard) it hurts?!"  And then do it a few more times.
6. They may or may not jump on every piece of furniture- no matter how many times he is told/yelled NOT to jump on the furniture
7. They may or may not stick dinosaur magnets in their sister's ear
8. They may or may not enter rooms by either: running and leaping onto the furniture he's not supposed to be jumping on, or karate kicking
9. They may or may not sleep with: Transformers, cars, Bey Blades, trains, or superheroes
10. They may or may not leave their dirty clothes in random piles in random places in random rooms of the house

But, despite all their silliness and weird tendencies , you will love them no matter what.


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