Sally Albright

Did you know one of my favorite movies- ever- is "When Harry Met Sally?"   I just love how they start as friends and eventually progress to more.  I love the conversations they share along the way, and of course I love the diner scene because . . . well she proved him wrong.  And quite honestly, the woman's lib in me still thrives and I love when women prove men wrong. 

However, I love Sally Albright (the Sally- in "When Harry Met Sally.")  I love the way she orders.  She likes things on the side.  Chocolate sauce on the side- so the cake doesn't get soggy.  Ice Cream on the side of apple pie.  I like things on the side too- that way I can make restaurant food- taste the way I want it. 

I think Alexa is like Sally Albright.  I don't know if she likes things on the side or not, but I can tell you that she likes things the way she likes them.  For example- when it comes to drinks.  She either likes ice ice cold water- or cool water with a splash of apple juice.  She does not like plain tap water.  She won't drink it.  If she doesn't like something- she pitches it over the side.  Give her a sippy cup with plain old tap water without an embellishment of ice or apple juice- and over the side it goes. 

I think Sally was described as a pill in the movie- and I can assure you- Alexa has been described as a pill- once or twice, but isn't she cute covered in black beans and watermelon?!


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