Testing the Waters of Profanity

Andrew is testing the waters with bad words, but not like you would think.  Suddenly out of nowhere he'll say, "I know a really bad word!  It starts with a ____."  So we finally convince him that it's ok to say this one word this one time and he won't get in trouble (we want to gage what he considers a bad word and then either make sure it's really a bad word or one not so bad.)  So for example the other night- "I know a really bad word!  It starts with a S H."  In my head, I'm like, "Oh sh- oops I mean, Oh great, I am going to have to be mature and not giggle when he says this word, but I can't do it.  I am an immature person and when he says this bad word at me I'll giggle.  That'll be the complete wrong reaction- then he'll think it's not such a bad word and he'll say it more- to get a similar reaction and then he'll say it to his friends and then they'll say it to their parents and the parents will want to know who said that word (because I always want to know who said the bad word) and then we'll be those parents.  (isn't it amazing how quickly you can think?!) So, you probably think you know what word Andrew's going to say.  I know without a doubt what word he's going to say.  I am bracing myself for the impact.  So then he says it, "Shut up."  In my head, I am thinking- "That's it?!  That's the bad word?!  Jeez, what a let down."  But I say- "You're right- that's not a nice word." 
So tonight, he says, "I know a really bad word!"  Uh oh- is this the moment that I'll have to attempt maturity?!  "It starts with an S A."  Huh- Doug and I exchange confused looks (I feel somewhat relieved at this point- because clearly I won't have to be mature- even Doug doesn't know what the word could be).  So then he says, "John from Mrs. Smith's class, told me that Jane said . . . . I can't say it.  I am too scared.  I am going to get in big trouble!"  (I won't lie- at this point I had an internal eye roll- dude it's not bad!  I can't think of any bad word that starts with S A).  So we pry it out of him, "It's really bad.  Jane had to walk 2 laps (in case you weren't sure- the names have been changed to protect the innocent).  Apps. The bad word is apps."  Doug and I pause and . . . I giggle - because we realize what the bad word is- and it doesn't start with S A and he's saying it wrong.  (whew- safe again!)  So I play it off- apps is something on your phone.  (not something you sit on- or that someone can cause you pain in).  As a side note- thank goodness I am not a kindergarten teacher- I would laugh at all kinds of innappropriate things!


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