Countdown to T-Ball Season Starts . . . 19.5 hours

Oh boy!!!  T-ball season starts tomorrow!  This is Andrew's third season playing.  I don't mind telling you he's definitely major league material.  Ok- perhaps I am biased- I mean I am his mother and I did provide him with all of his wordly athletic skills.  (yea right!  I played softball for my high school team and we didn't win ONE game my senior year.  And one time I was throwing the ball straight up into the air, trying to catch it- and missed catching it with my glove and caught it with my nose).
Now, I love Andrew and I do think he's pretty doggone cute in his uniform:   
But the real entertainment on the field ain't my son.  It's my husband. 

Doug decided to help coach Andrew's team, for Andrew's second season.  Let me start out by saying- I don't feel like he's unkind or impatient with most of the kids (except for ONE particular kid- which I am sure you could guess which one that is).  And- as you may or may not know, 4-6 year old boys are SILLY, spastic, unfocused, and some of them are prone to emotional outbursts.  No, it's not Doug's interaction with the players that's entertaining.  It's Doug's reactions to the umpires. 
When I think of T-Ball, I have this image in my head of Doug standing in the outfield (in our t-ball league- the assistant coaches help coach from the outfield when the team is on the field), wearing his shorts, and red t-shirt, and he has his baseball cap in his right hand and scratching his forehead, or he's pacing and hitting his leg with his baseball cap.  The umpires make him particularly crazy.  Especially if they don't call it fair.  For Pete's Sake- call the game fair, otherwise you'll give him heart failure! 
So, here's to another entertaining year! 


  1. I must come see some games this year! Go Andrew and Doug! :)

  2. yea - but what the heck are we gonna do after the games? We always went to Brusters!



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