Let's Meet Alexa!

You were probably wondering what was up, poor Alexa has only been briefly mentioned. I mean jeez- yeah she's just the second kid and automatically has less pictures, and attention and a harder life- but to totally diss her on the blog?  That's just straight up wrong. I'll make her the star of my post today- and right the error of this way (not all of my ways- that would take too long).  Besides, as I mentioned, she is currently the cutest Latta- and deserves a bigger shout out.  Not that Andrew isn't cute- he is, but . . . he's a 5 year old and has exceptionally boney legs and frequently has crud under his finger nails.  Besides- he got his time in the sun when I admitted he manipulated me. 

So here's all there is to know about Alexa.  Isn't she cute as pie?!

1. She's busy.  Her nickname is "Busy Bee."  She's practically impossible to hold because she's constantly moving, twisting, turning, and craning her neck to see . . . anything and everything.  (my bicep muscles are getting pretty impressive- but I am biased.)
2.  She's not one of those snuggly babies.   She doesn't have time for that.  There are things to get into, places to see, and objects to eat. 
3. She used to have TERRIBLE stranger anxiety.  She is improving- but is still not sure about that Poppy Harry (Dad makes her cry- and she watches him with a suspicious glare just daring him to talk to her or smile at her and if he does . . . well she'll show him-by crying at him!).  (When the old ladies would come up to her at church- she would cry until they went away.  Talk about embarrasing!)
4.  She seems to have gotten my temper (Holy Smokes is Doug is for a surprise!  Because (for those of you that have known me most of my life) I truly almost never lose my temper now- and Doug has never really been privy to a Kate fit.  He's heard tales- but I doubt the tales will prepare him aptly).  However- she seems to have a bit of Doug's temper and if toys don't work like she thinks they should- she squeals at them and then starts crying until I just put them out of site.  (books incense her- I don't know why)
5.  She is a good hugger and kisser.  (Ok- no she doesn't really pucker up- she sort of dives at you with her mouth open (I hope she doesn't change her technique for YEARS- as no boy will want to kiss a girl coming at them with her mouth open and drool pouring out!)  What makes her good- is that she does it often. 
6.  She is the BEST sleeper- and always has been.  Honestly- I am not being sarcastic.  She doesn't want to be held before she goes to sleep.  She cannot sleep if you're holding her, she gets fussy if you try to hold her.  (I try not to compare Big A and Little A (because there is no comparing- 2 totally different little people)- but it took 30 minutes to put Andrew to bed- it takes me 7 minutes to put Alexa to bed.) 
7.  She sometimes needs alone time (she is her mother's child!).  Sometimes when she is at daycare- she just needs some quiet time in her crib by herself to chill out.  Don't worry- she's not in her crib all day.  There are moments when she melts down (again- her mother's child) and she calms down a lot faster- by herself- in her crib.  
8.  She's beginning to exhibit some bossy tendencies.  She yells at us when she wants more puffs or a toy or attention.  She gets that from Doug- because I am NOT bossy.  I just give good advice.  Follow it- or else- suffer the dire consequences.
9. She has a lovey.  One of those blankets with the ribbons sewn in every few inches.  Her name is embroidered on it.  She LOVES lovey.  I cannot wash the smell of Alexa out of lovey.  I know the daycare thinks I don't wash it- but I do- more than once a week.   
10.  She loves to shop.  She gets so excited in stores.  Giggling and squealing.  I am in so much trouble because I HATE shopping.  Thankfully Nana Amy loves to shop.  They'll be shopping friends (and hopefully Nana is the kind of friend who likes to pay too! ;-) 
So- there's my Busy Bee.  Cute as Pie and independent as I don't know what. 
Here's a video of her laughing at Andrew today.  All he was doing was putting a pillow on his head.  There's no explanation for what babies find funny.


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