
Every family has rules.  They're a necessity for a smooth life.  They create a standard by which you live.  We only have 4 rules, but they must be followed or there are dire consequences to be suffered.
1. If you go to a store, for any reason, after dark, you must return home with chocolate.  No matter what.  (if you go to a store that does not have chocolate- like Lowe's- than you must stop at a store that does have chocolate)
2.  If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 
3.  No bottom smacking.  (What can I say- we like to "Good Game" each other.  I won't lie, this rule is the most inconsistently enforced.  Sometimes you just can't help yourself.  It's a compulsion.)
4.  No honking the horn at Andrew.  (sort of a random one huh?  Well, one day last spring we were frantically getting ready to go to a t-ball game and as Andrew dashed in front of Doug's truck, holding his socks and cleats in his hands- Doug honked at him- just to aggravate him.  Aggravate him it did!  As Andrew got into the truck he shrieked, "NEW RULE!  NO HONKING AT ANDREW!!!)
These are the rules by which we live and they make our life a healthy, happy, harmonious one. 


  1. If you ever go a day without writing and making me laugh, I will be VERY SAD!


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