Hanging Shelves

I recently convinced Doug that floating shelves would be SUPER cool in our bedroom.  We've lived in this house for 2.5 years and I still have nothing hanging up in our bedroom, except blinds.  Otherwise- it's our builder paint color with mismatched furniture and a comforter that is at least 8 years old.  I really want to make our bedroom look a little more . . . like a soothing oasis.  Hah.  Just kidding.  I don't want anything that over the top.  I just want it to at least look put together. 

So- he made me some floating shelves. 

One day last week, he hung them up for me.  Since I was busy focusing on things I love, I decided it would be poor form to publish a blog where I poke fun at Doug (Who I do love, and I do love to tease him- but still . . . ).  Since Valentine's Day is done and gone- it's okay now. 

Before we began the project, we measured the area where I wanted the shelves.  We made small marks on the wall, where the studs were located, so Doug could attach the shelves on the stud, for added strength and security.  I thought we were done identifying them.  Hah!  We identified them 12 more times (each shelf hit 2 studs, and he hung 6 shelves.)  Every single shelf, we re-identified where the studs were- just in case our builder used poor quality, crooked studs?  In case, they jumped around behind the sheet rock? No.  The studs weren't poor quality and crooked.  Doug checked when we were building the house (and I warned our builder- he better not.  Doug was a real stickler about crappy studs) And- you'll be happy to know, our studs do not jump around behind the walls. 

If you look at this picture, you can see screws in the board (also note- the level on the board- to ensure that the board is exactly level).  Why we can't just use the screws as a reference point, and assume the stud is still in line directly above the screws- I don't know.  Maybe he does think our studs jump around back there? We had to use the stud finder (Oh- I used that stud finder all right!! 😁).  

Then he measured.

And measured again. 

And finally- they were deemed acceptable.  

But are they?  That one on the right, in the middle?  It looks a touch off.  
Eeeks- I shouldn't joke.  He just might take the shelves down and check them!  (please ignore how bare that room is.  Isn't that sad?!)


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