14 Days of Love #8

I got a little behind.  I'm not sure what happened this week, but I completely fell apart.  It's all good- it's Friday, and we have nothing really planned this weekend, so . . . hopefully I can get myself back in order.

Anyway- here's what I love:
#1. About a week ago, I was out in the community, wearing a shirt that represented the high school I teach at.  A person walked up to me and said, "Hey- we just moved to the area, and are debating what high school we should attend.  Do you have children that go the school?" I said, "Sort of- my children go to the middle and elementary school that feed into the high school. I  teach at the high school."  She said, "Really?!  What's something really amazing about your school?"  I replied, "One thing that's pretty amazing is how diverse we are: race, socially, socioeconomically . . .  and how accepting our student body is of diversity."  Turns out she and her husband are empty nesters, who like to host foreign exchange students.  I gave a meaningful answer to her- without meaning to. I was being honest. 
Today, we had a pep rally at the end of the day.  I was watching our students dance and play games and really saw- and appreciated- how really diverse they are.  I also admired how many students walk by our special needs kids and talk to them, fist bump them, and dance with them, and help them join in.  I was looking at how many of our kids play sports for the school, or get included in clubs and activities.  I mean- doggone y'all.  We have one pretty amazing student body, because the kind of inclusion our students are demonstrating is natural.  It's not forced by teachers or administrators.  It's natural, it's initiated by teenagers, who are sometimes sooooo aggravating- but also kind and compassionate when we least expect it. 

#2. I love Andrew.  He had a sad evening.  Doug and Alexa were doing a thing at her school tonight, and Andrew and I were hanging out.  He said- "Hey! Let's go to the ice cream shop down in Waxhaw!!" (a local town).  He's been wanting to go to this place for like a year.  It was just not convenient.  It's a good 20 minutes away.  On the way down, he said, "Haha! If the creamery is closed, my soul will be totally crushed, but we could go to the brewery next door." He's hilarious.  Well . . . wouldn't you know, it was actually closed. 

He was so funny- and sad.  He was like, "I don't know even know what to say to this! It's just soooo . . . ironic! (See Mom! I do pay attention in class!!)"  I won't lie- I am pretty impressed that in the throws of disappointment he used the word correctly.   As we were driving home, debating the next option, he said, "Wait a minute! I think the sign said they opened back up for the season on February 9!"  I was like, "Well! I did take a picture.  Look at it."  Sure enough- to top off his soul crushing disappointment- he found out he was only a day too early.  Poor old Andrew. 

Don't feel too bad for him- he got a good dessert.  We made homemade deep dish chocolate chip cookies, with vanilla ice cream and homemade whip cream.  I think he'll survive.  


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