14 Days of Love #9

#1. On Saturday mornings, Doug gets up at a crazy early time and goes to eat breakfast with a group of guys.  Sometimes I'm already up, working on school work, so it's out of the way and I don't have to think about it for the rest of the weekend.  Not today. Today I decided I would sleep in.  When Doug got out of the bed to go eat, I immediately stretched out.  I LOVE that.  I love stretching out and taking over the whole bed, after he gets up.  Then I fall back asleep and it's the best kind of sleep. 

#2. Alexa and I ran to Target a little bit ago, and when we got in, an old favorite song of Andrew's was on.  It requires me turning up the song and singing along loud and remembering his sweet baby voice singing along.
International Harvester by Craig Morgan

He loved this song because it had farmers, tractors, and the FFA in it.  He was so doggone cute back then!


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