14 Days of Love #11

For Christmas, my mother in law gave my kids "snowballs."

These things have provided us TONS of entertainment.  They don't cause pain.  They're so satisfying to throw at someone.  And no one ever gets mad when they get pelted with one.  We love retaliating.  These are the best kinds of snowballs- they're not cold.  They're always around.  And they're not wet.  

Okay- this is going to not be something I love.  But it must be shared- I ate something today that is the MOST DISGUSTING THING I HAVE EVER EATEN IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. 
bad food throw up GIF by Steve Harvey TV

I tried candied ginger today.  It looks delicious.  

I was lured in by the notion that it was gummy fruit.  Therefore- it was going to be healthy.  I would rather eat . . . well, a lot of other things.  I actually gagged and spit it out.  I've never gagged and spit food out.  To give you a reference- I tried squid jerky.  My parents had gotten it from family friends that live in Singapore.  While the texture was kind of gross, (I didn't care for the suckers), the taste wasn't gag worthy.  Candied Ginger is a punishment.  It is a gift from Satan himself, for me being so lazy lately.  Well, Satan, Not today.  Not.  Today.  I will reform my ways, so that I will never have to eat that sewer food again.  


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