Difference Between Dirt and Soil

Here's a sample of a conversation as we're walking into the house from school today:

Andrew: We talked about soil today!
Doug: Really?!  What's the difference between soil and dirt?  (he's just itching to prove Andrew's teacher wrong.)
Me: (major eye rolling.  They practically get stuck wrong ways out.)
Andrew: soil is darker and dirt is lighter
Me: (sounds fairly accurate for a first grader)
Doug: NO!  Hah!  Dirt is what you bring in your momma's house and soil is everything else!
Me: (well that's clear as mud.)
Doug: Really, dirt is any misplaced soil
Andrew: Can I bring this Wonder Dough to school because it's kind of like clay?
Doug: Yeah, well what's the biggest particle in soil? 
Me: (here it comes . . . wait for it . . . )
Andrew: There are three parts to soil, sand, loam, and clay.
Doug: (chagrinned) That's right.

Although- later he says, "That's technically not right, it's sand, silt, and clay. But I didn't want to correct him." 

Poor Andrew.  His teachers should be forewarned, don't botther discussing ANYTHING ag. related.  Just call Doug and he'll come do it for you, because technically it'll be wrong.


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