Haircuts & Chocolate

In case you don't know, Doug has very rigid ideas of how things should be (I don't.  HAH!!!!).  As a result, Andrew, without fail, gets his haircut every 3.5- 4 weeks.  Today, was one of the required haircuts.  This is probably the reverse of what you would expect, but as Andrew has gotten older . . . he has gotten a tidge worse about sitting and getting his hair cut.  As a baby he was GREAT, which means he held still.  Now he's wiggly as all get out!
Wait- you said as a baby?  Yes.  Doug insisted he get his hair cut at the first indication that it was anything longer than a guard setting of 2 on the clippers.  I was not ready.  He was my baby (at 13 months old- he was a baby still).  As soon as the haircut was over- Doug knew he had screwed up because on the way home- he stopped and bought me m&m's. What?  M&m's?   The way back into my good graces is to buy me chocolate.  The bigger the mistake- the bigger the bag must be.  That bag was big.

This is Andrew- right before "The Haircut."  This is one of my favorite pictures of him. 

This is him 30 minutes later.  Doesn't his face look different?  I should have gotten diamonds for losing my sweet boy- to this toddler.


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