Say It Isn't So!

Obviously I am on some sort of holiday from work- you can tell this because of 2 things- I am posting a blog (and clearly I have more time) and my grocery list.  Here are the first 5 items on the list (don’t worry- further down the list are the healthier items)
* cereal
* margarita mix
* lunch meat
* rolls/bread
* beer
Do you see a theme? 
Imagine this perfect evening: the deck is cleaned off, new umbrella up, the weather is a lovely 76 degrees, we don’t have to get up and work tomorrow- nor did we go to work today. 
Somehow this weather and lack of working calls for fajitas.  Not just regular weekday fajitas, but good fajitas.  I totally hit the jack pot when I cleaned out the fridge this morning- because I realized I already had pretty much everything in my fridge!  I got my chicken marinating and then because my fridge rocked this morning- I got my squash, green peppers, mushrooms, and onions marinating too! (separately from the chicken).  I even had sour cream- that was in date!  The only thing I needed to buy to make them over the top perfect was an avocado. 
Later I went to the grocery store so I could get the rest of the groceries for the week AND ingredients for a DELICIOUS margarita!  I mean- margaritas would totally hit the spot.
As I start to fix dinner, Alexa melts down because that is her nightly routine- I fix dinner and she cries.  (another reason why margaritas would be perfect!).  The grill is started, the cheese is grated (Alexa is still crying).  I start on the margaritas.  I got the ice out of the freezer and start crunching it up (with a rubber mallet from Doug’s tool collection- I don’t know what he uses that for, but I have used it many times in cooking)  I put the ice in the blender and the mix and I start to look for the Jose’ Cuervo.  I absolutely KNEW I had it in either: the cabinet, the freezer in the house, or the freezer in the garage.  Doug looked for it- and he didn’t find it, except, he doesn’t always look that good or know where all my hidey spots are.  So I look too.  Sure enough!  It’s gone!  Doug says I threw it out.  AS IF!!!!!  Who, I ask, throws out perfectly good tequila?!!!
 There’s a short discussion as Doug tries to encourage me to run up to the ABC store (as luck would have it- there is an ABC store only 4 miles away from my house) but dinner’s almost ready and Alexa is STILL crying (why, why, why can’t I find the stupid tequila?!).  Instead, I just put the perfectly slushy ice, despondently back in the freezer.  I’ll stop and get my tequila tomorrow. 


  1. I'm with Rebecca on this one - send the husband, they have to be good for something!


  2. He couldn't go because he had been drinking the beer that was on the list!


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