Training Doug

It has taken me 10 years plus the 3 were dating to train Doug to do . . . . absolutely nothing!  But that's ok, because I am hopeful that one day he will realize that my way is always the right way.

Things I have failed at:
1. stocking the dishwasher.  He insists that the dishes must be thoroughly rinsed before you put them in the dishwasher.  I say- no, you're just wasting time and resources.  And just to prove him wrong- I leave globs of ketchup on plates to show him that it doesn't matter- the dishwasher is a high powered, cleaning machine and will clean the plates.  He says I am the reason why the plates and silverware are dirty.  I say- empty the dishwasher sometimes and you would see I am right.

2. ironing.  He- by far- creates the most ironing and yet he hardly ever does the ironing- he has, in fact, trained me to always do the ironing.  Do you know how?  By working so slow it makes me insane and I just take over.  I can't help myself.  There is no way it should take a person that long to iron a pair of pants and it's painful to watch, so I shove him out of the way and take over. 

Yesterday I took another stab at training him.  See, I was lucky enough to raid my neice's closet this past weekend.  So I was putting the new additions to Alexa's wardrobe in her dresser and Doug walked in- to make fun of me for being so . . . organized in how I was . . . filing the clothes.  I decided he needed to be instructed in my organization method, on the off chance I ever let him pick out what she wears.  Here's how the interchange went:

Me: Just so you know- outfits are matched and put in this drawer (and I kindly gestured to the 3rd drawer)
Doug: eye roll
Me: separates are in this drawer. (and I kindly pointed to the 2nd drawer)
Doug: look of "Is she for real?"
Me: say it back to me.  This drawer is . . . ?
Doug: looking bored and slightly annoyed: "outfits."
Me: Good!  What's this drawer?
Doug: very rude verbal response that is not appropriate for a family site. 

However, I felt victorious this morning because when I put an OUTFIT on Alexa he sarcastically said, "That must have come from the 3rd drawer." 
And they say you can't train an old dog.  (hehehehe)


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