What Will She Be?

Sometimes I think Alexa forgets I am with her, even though she's sitting on my lap.  Tonight, for example, she was sitting on my lap, while we were in the booth at the Chick Fil A.  She was bored and tired of waiting for Andrew to hurry up in the play area (SEE?!  Even a 9 month old knows he's slow as molasses!) and so to entertain her I gave her the kids meal bag to rip up and a packet of honey to squish around (no fear- she did NOT eat it as the packet was still sealed).  Instead of squishing it around, she used it to wipe the wall as though she were cleaning it.  I watched her do this for several minutes, wondering- does she like the sound?  Why IS she doing this?!  Finally, I say to her, "Alexa, are you cleaning the wall?"  She about jumped clear out of her pants.  For someone so clingy to me (lately) how did she forget I was there? 
While we were sitting there and she was "cleaning" the wall with the unopened honey packet, I passed the time with my favorite activity: people watching.  Tonight must have been chick night at Chick Fil A (hahahaha).  There were so many girls: little girls, medium girls, and big girls.  Since discovering we would be having a girl, I find myself observing girls wondering what kind she'll be. I don't remember doing this with Andrew.  Probably because I have always, rather smugly, assumed he'd be a Little Doug (and so far, I am right- he's definitely Doug's son).  I don't know that Alexa is a Little Kate.  She's certainly like me in that she's independent, has herself quite a temper, and she seems to offer quite a lot of good advice (that's my nice way of saying bossy.  It's so negative to say bossy, so I say- offering advice, because that's what it is- do this- or else!) but . . . she's her own little person and there's no telling what she'll be.
So I observe little girls and wonder: will Alexa be the sullen pre teen who refused to even sit on the same side of the restaurant as her mother and little sister?  Will she be the whiny 5 year old?  Will she be the girl wearing a tutu in the play area at Chick Fil A with tennis shoes?  I have no idea- but I am certain whatever she becomes- she'll make a name for herself!


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