Romantic . . . I'd say not.

As you know from the last post Doug and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary.  On our honeymoon we said that on our 10th anniversary we'd go to Hawaii.  Well, we were young (for real- I was only 25 and Doug was 27- we were babies) and innocent to the way life takes over.  Turns out- when you're overworked, underpaid, parents, with 2 kids in daycare- you don't go to Hawaii, but you do get a really romantic gift. 
Here's some background information.  Right before I had Alexa (3 days before she was born) Doug went and bought a tractor he found on Craig's List for hardly no money. 
Now- all I know about this tractor is- it's old- like a 1950 Farmall tractor.  It does start- but won't go anywhere because there are 2 flat tires.  Doug was so excited about this tractor- still is.  The day after he got it- he sat in the garage and worked on it for like 6 hours- in the hot, sticky July heat.  I don't know what he was doing, maybe bonding with it?  I don't know.
Ok- back to it's our 10th anniversary.  Well about a week before our anniversary I got a great idea that I would get Doug tires for his tractor!  I got this fantastic idea while standing outside Doug's school, shooting the bull with a bunch of guys at the FFA barbeque.  For whatever reason, one of the guys inspired the idea that tires would be the perfect gift!  I know he wouldn't go buy them for himself and I know he would LOVE them- which makes them the perfect gift!  So- I go into stealth mode (which is not my forte'.  I am incapable of keeping a secret that I am excited about.)  I ask the inspiration behind the tires if he'll help me out.  He has me look at the tires so he'll know what size to order, although he quickly realizes I haven't the faintest clue what I am doing, so he comes over to our house during the day checks them out, calls the tire supplier and they pull the tires for me!  I go sneakily take money out of the account (which was my biggest worry all along- because Doug watches our accounts like a hawk!) and go immediately and buy the tires.  (I checked with the guys at the tire store- and in case you were wondering- I am the first wife that has ever surprised their husband with tractor tires- try and top that my lady friends.  You can't- so don't bother trying.) 
So- I dash home before Doug gets there- write out a sign saying "Happy Anniversary" put it on the tires- that I leave in the back of my van and then wait on pins and needles for Doug to hurry up and get home from t-ball practice!!!!!  When he gets home- I pretend I forgot something in the back of my car and he goes to get it out- only to discover . . . the tires! 
I know, I know- tires are so not romantic- but like I said- they're something he really wants (it's the only thing from making that tractor move) and he wouldn't buy it for himself.  That's the best kind of present. 
I am pretty sure this situation sums up our relationship- we do weird, random things for each other- that other couples would think are totally uncool- but mean a lot to us.   


  1. I love it Kate! Great gift. (I wish it were easier to post a comment here...what am I if I don't have a google account?) Nicole Clynke


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