Doug's parents are very hard to buy for- as are most parents because they've gotten to that point in life, where they don't want much and what they want- they buy. So, Doug's sister- a few years back- got a great idea for us to join together and buy them trips for Christmas. Honestly- that was a genius plan! It's way more fun to buy that then to fret over what to buy, is it cool enough, is it nice, do they want it, and on and on and on. So this year we decided to send them to Charleston- since they've never been and to make it even better- we'd go with them! Now some of you might be thinking- you gave them a trip in which you brought: a 5 year old, a 21 month old, and an 8 month old? How's that a gift? That sounds like the opposite of a gift. Others of you might be thinking- oh that's nice to go and enjoy your children and grandchildren. Whatever side you fall into- it doesn't matter- that's what we did and I think we all enjoyed our...