19 Get Ups, Positive #15

Whew, y'all we are marching to the end.  The end is in sight!!!  I am excited and freaking out.  Summer is a double edged sword.  There's the whole, "Whoop, whoop!! I don't have to work!!"  And then there's the "OMG, I have to entertain 2 kids that are as different as night and day!"  I can entertain 1- doesn't matter which one, but 2?!!! I STRUGGLE and FAIL.  Anyway- back to the positives.
#1: A previous student, brought me some chocolate because he knew I had children, and it's Mother's Day Weekend.  What a SWEETIE!
#2: Another teacher told me I had classroom management skills.  I had no idea what to say to that- as I am pretty sure I don't, but I really appreciated her saying that.

There were probably lots of other positives- but that was 2 days ago.  I can't remember anything!!!

I hope you had a great weekend.  We're beginning the last 4 weeks of school tomorrow!!!!


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