27 Get Ups, Positives #9

Mmmmm- today is a little harder to come up with positives.  It wasn't a bad day, but I don't want to be repetitive from other days, and I'm feeling almost too lazy to look back over the day and come up with my positives.  

#1- My first group took their benchmark.  (that's not the positive).  It took them the entire 90 minutes . . . and I used that time very productively and got caught up on grading (that's the positive).  I felt footloose and fancy free!!

#2- I wrote some pretty awesome vocabulary sentences for my juniors.  I actually love to write the vocabulary fill in the blanks.  I don't know if you know this- but I like to write.  When I write the vocabulary sentences, I try to make them more relatable than those formal, boring, stuffy ones from the book.  Sure I could copy them, and save me some time, but they're soooooo boring.  Today I included a reference to a Peter, Paul, and Mary song.  If any student gets that reference . . . I will give them chocolate, and obviously a shout out on my positives for tomorrow because clearly that kid is being raised right.

#3- My Sneaky McSneakerson's were up to their usual antics today, and another student looked at me, and said, "Wow- they're assholes. I'm sorry I said that- but they are." Ok- no he shouldn't have said that. But . . . they were acting pretty aggravating, and having another student recognize it gave me the ability to figure out whether this was actually worth the fight . . . or should I redirect my energy to another more worthwhile cause.

And now . . . since I talked about Peter, Paul, and Mary- I should tell you what a horrible sister/weirdo I am.  The first Christmas back from my freshman year at college- I was showing my mother my new found love for the folk band.  I had "If I Had a Hammer" on a mixed tape.  Well, my mother and I were driving my sister on her first date, with who is now my brother in law.  My mother and I played this song, and sang along LOUDLY- while driving my sister and her boyfriend to the movies (or wherever 9th graders go on first dates in the 90's).  Can you imagine how horrifying that may have been for her?!  I mean- I am a horrible singer #1, and #2 . . . Peter, Paul, and Mary?!!! Both my sister and brother claim to still like me, but I think we can all understand if they are still plotting some nefarious deed in revenge.  


  1. I HATED when you played that, which was pretty often. I can still picture and see you singing to it in my head! It's like candy apple lotion!!


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