Slacker, Crying, Freaking Out

Well . . . that whole positives thing obviously fell by the wayside.  I apologize.  I got off track and couldn't ever seem to get myself back on track.  I'll say this, I have continued to think positive things. I have not allowed myself to get brought down by negatives.  And frankly- I'm glad I did purposely think about 3 positives a day.  It did give me a whole new attitude.  Instead of being aware of all the things that aggravated me, I was way more aware of the things that made me smile. I need to practice doing this in my personal life, as well as my professional life.  The experts who suggest doing that are actually right- it does help.

Several months ago, I bought a handkerchief, when I had gone antique shopping.  For whatever reason, I took it into my head that I needed one.  It seemed a very ladylike way to deal with any moisture that may leak from my eyes.  It's the sweetest handkerchief.  I has small, delicate flowers embroidered into it, surrounding an "L."  Very appropriate, and I feel dainty, despite the fact that NO one would describe me that way- the right handkerchief can do that for a girl.
Tonight was the End of the Year Ceremony for Alexa's Girl Scout Troop.  I won't lie I got a little verklempt.  I had invited my mother, because I knew she would appreciate the ceremony, since she was a Girl Scout, my sister was a Girl Scout, and I was a Girl Scout.  At the end of the ceremony the girls sang 2 songs, and I sat there watching my mother and my daughter singing those sweet, sentimental songs and . . . well I felt a bit emotional.  I wish I had brought that handkerchief to wipe my eyes.

Freaking Out
OMG y'all . . . it's almost summer.  What in the world am I going to do this summer?!  I'm so personally undisciplined.  I am terrible at balancing my wish/to do list, and their wishes. I have the hardest time figuring out how to entertain my kids- at the same time.   I can't figure out how to make them do chores, and be responsible.  (What?!  Really????  Yeah- I can't make them do chores.)  I need a cruise ship director to come to my house everyday and tell me, "Here's the Itinerary For the Day!" If someone would do that- I would follow it.  Actually- Alexa would do that for me.  She loves making plans, and making people do her bidding.  Mmmmm- maybe she is the solution to my summertime worries!! But Andrew hates being told what to do.  He rebels against it in the most passive, slippery way.  What a conflict- yeah for no school, but yikes to figuring out how to fill summer days with just the right amount of fun, learning, responsibility, memories, and health.  Huh- maybe that's too much pressure for one day.  Maybe I should figure out how to make 2 of those things happen a day, instead of all of those things.  Forget it- someone come be my cruise ship director. Your payment is  . . . a high five and a rewarding feeling in your heart.


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