29 Get Ups, Positive #7

#1. I sold tickets at the baseball games on Friday night.  I know they won . . . but I don't know much more than that, because another teacher showed up just to chat.  She was on her way home, remembered I was selling tickets, and decided to stop by and visit.  I love that!  She's super fun, and I had an enjoyable time with her.  

#2.  My 4th period.  They're so cute.  Sneaky McSneakersons weren't present, so I could focus on the cuties, and not Beavis and Butthead plotting World Domination- or whatever.  

#3.  Technically this wasn't on Friday . . . but I dropped by Prom on Saturday night.  I love seeing them all snazzed up.  They're so pretty/handsome and proud of themselves for looking so good.  Plus I got some extra visiting in with teachers I don't visit with often enough.  

I feel this will be a good time to tell you . . . my prom story. I went only 1 time.  It was 10th grade and it was enough of a horrifying experience- I never needed to go again.  So here's the short tale: I went with a boy my parents knick named "Square Head."  He asked me on like the Tuesday before prom.  There was a panicked few days!  I couldn't wear heels because Square Head was shorter than me.  I knew him from band.  He was a saxophone player.  I was under the impression we were going as friends.  We went to his parents country club for dinner- alone.  We went to the prom- alone.  We rode in his dad's Mazda Miata- and he blasted jazz music.  At the prom- he didn't talk to friends.  I felt bad leaving him- the only reason I was there- was because of him.  He was a DUD.  He drove me home- walked me to the door, thought he might want a kiss, but I ran in the door so fast, he didn't have a chance.  I never went again.  It was boring, uncomfortable, and required social skills I didn't possess.  After that- I skipped prom- but I attended all of the semi-formals and formals in college- of course, I had liquid social skills, so I was good- or didn't know to care.  :-)


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