Going Out on a Positive Note #1

The first week back from Spring Break.  I won't lie . . . this week has been challenging.  When I left school today, I was disgruntled, frustrated, and dismayed that there are 7 weeks left!!!!!  How???!!!! Someone tell me how I will go 7 more weeks with these teenagers???!!!!  I thought of my first class and what a bunch of duds they are.  They NEVER talk.  Like seriously.  They are the quietest group of kids.  I think they're engaged in the stories we read, because they do their work, albeit silently- but they're doing it.   But no matter how many hilarious jokes, anecdotes, or weird things I do . . . they never react.  However, my second class never stops talking. Ever.  For real.  I seriously know: who got in trouble, who's mom won't shop for Navy Ball dresses, who's mom took their phone away, what awesome K-Pop "thing" happened today (fyi: K-Pop is Korean Pop music.  It's a thing. I have students obsessed with it.).  While they talk constantly- they're super engaged with the stories.  They don't do work, but they LOVE the stories.  We're reading "Othello." They are gasping, and shouting out, and all kinds of upset with the villain.  I've never had kids so interested in this story.  My third class is cool, because they're juniors and juniors are my favorite.  They're cool enough to talk to, but not too cool.  (Seniors are too cool for school, and everything else too).  My last class is either: cute as pie, or Sneaky McSneakerson's. It's only a few students that have to be watched CONSTANTLY because they're always up to something, but they're exhausting.  What that something is . . . I don't know, but they're up to it.  (It's either nothing- and they're just trying to make me think they're up to something, or they're plotting world domination).

When I left this afternoon I was exhausted.  They're an edge to the kids this week.  Maybe it's just residual Spring Break "cooties" or maybe they're still adjusting to life after a week off, or maybe it's just they're getting exciting that summer is in view.  I don't know.  I do know, I was falling down the rabbit hole and already thinking the negative, exhausted thoughts that teacher's have towards the end of the school year.

Well, I won't go out like that.  I will think of at least one positive aspect of my day, every single day- no matter what.

Here's today's:
1. Reading "Othello" with my 2nd class.  It's hilarious and I love it.  Their reactions are exactly what they should be, with such a villainous dude.
2. Watching some of my juniors help each other gather information for their research papers.
3. Observing my co-teachers' classroom management skills.  I was on the verge of calling the office and having Sneaky McSneakerson removed.  I was DONE!  She waved her magic wand and they stopped.  She didn't yell, manipulate, bribe, or threaten.  She just . . . got them to stop.  She was amazing.  I wish I could video tape her, and show everyone how to do her trick- and reap the financial benefits (I'd share 20% with her :-)

Everyday for the next 35 days I will find one positive thing to focus on everyday.  I will not end this school year as a grump.  I will not wonder "what is wrong with this generation."  I will not bemoan the negatives of all teenagers, administration, and downtown staff.  I will remember I like teenagers. That's why I've done this for 19 years. I will be Polly-Anna and not Negative Nancy.


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