Oh Gosh- We Really Did That!

Doug has been preparing for a "Plant I.D" Contest, with some of his Horticulture students the last couple of weeks. Sometimes in the afternoon, I will stop by his building before I leave for the day, and make sure the afternoon plan didn't change.  I amazed the kids by my non-expert ability to identify most of the plants he was testing them on.  They were like, "How do you know this?!"  And I said, "Oh- this is what we do on dates.  We'll go to Lowes, and then as we walk around the store, he'll quiz me on the plants."  There was silence and blank looks, as they tried to decided if I was joking or for real.  I assured them I was joking.  We don't actually do that!  For real- we don't.  That would be so lame!

Yesterday, both kids went to play laser tag with a group from church.  What do I do, when it's a Saturday and both kids are gone?!!  I go to the grocery store.  Whew . . . I am a wild one.  Although- I went to the store without kids . . . and I let a lady who had kids- get in line before me because I could stand in line forever if I don't have kids.

Anyway, when I got home Doug was finishing up some yard work, I put groceries up, and we discovered a baby robin that fell out of it's nest, so we dropped it off at the Waterfowl Rescue Place. Since we had a few minutes before we had to pick up the kids, we decided to go to Lowe's.  We walked around the indoor plants, and Doug was like, "Hey, what's this plant?" or "Hey, what's this plant?"  After awhile, I was like, "OMG- we really do walk around Lowe's on dates, and you really do quiz me.  We're nerds!  Like- ginormous nerds!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Oh well- we're nerds who love each other- even though we have lame dates.  :-)


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