Cooking Tales

For whatever reason, I have been doing a lot of cooking this weekend- more than usual.

Did you know there are like a bazillion different ways to make hard boiled eggs?!  There are.  I can't ever remember how I do it either.  Do I put the eggs in water, boil the water, and then let the eggs sit in there for 3 minutes?  7 minutes? Do I let it come to boil, then turn the stove off?!  I don't know.  I look it up every time.  Because there are a bazillion websites . . . I do it different every time. Regardless- today's method seemed to work.  I put the eggs in water, boiled them for 10 minutes and took them off the stove.  They were fine.

About a year ago, when we were moving for the first time, I got sick and tired of packing up the kitchen.  Good grief I had a TON of stuff.  I needed to throw it out.  So I threw out my: bundt cake pan, and my round cake pans.  WHY??????  I have needed them a few times now.  Dumb. I will be visiting shortly.

I bought the most AMAZING zester from Pampered Chef.  (yeah- that's right, I have 3 zesters (2 crappy and 1 awesome) and no cake pans.  Makes total sense).  I zested 3 lemons yesterday and it was perfect! I didn't have to run my finger over the microplane (or the knife) trying to get the rind out.  It didn't allow me to zest too deeply and get the bitter part.  It kindly gathered all the peel I wanted in the bowl.  Pampered Chef Zester  Don't waste your money on expensive ones at Target and Bed, Bath, & Beyond- buy this $16 one.  It'll improve the quality of your life.

While I've been baking, Andrew & Alexa were building a fort in his room.  Alexa stomps out here and complains because Andrew has too many rules! . . . . . . Y'all I don't even know what to say to this. (I'm holding my guffaw of laughter at the irony!!!!) Alexa is complaining that someone has too many rules?!!!  She's like the queen of the rules.  Anyway- she flops herself on the couch and runs through the list of dumb rules!!!
- no fashion
- no laughter
- no shooting him in the fort  (for the record- that's with Nerf guns)
- have fun
- sleep

She says, "I agree with have fun, but why can't I shoot him?!  I'd let him shoot me!"
I don't know Alexa, clearly your brother is communist dictator in the making.


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