34 Get Ups, Positive #3

Hah!  I didn't forget.  Friday night went like this: boys did their thing, girls did theirs.  Alexa and I went to Chick Fil A and to finally see "Beauty and the Beast."  We got home around 8:45pm.  The boys were going to be gone for awhile longer, and my porch was calling to me.  As a result- I skipped everything to chill on my porch.  Doggone I LOVE a screened-in porch.  It's the bomb.com.  For rizzle.

So what were the positives from Friday:
1. I tell you I teach with some amaze-balls co-teachers.  One brought me the most amazing trail mix. Like a-maze-ing!!!!  It has walnuts, pisachios, almonds, dried cranberries, mango, and pineapple. I LOVE it!!!!!!!!!!!!
2. One of my juniors totally cracked me up.  It's a long, convoluted story, but his witty comments are still cracking me up, two days later.
3. We finished "Othello" on Friday.  I am sad that I can't read it with them anymore.  They were hilarious.  I need to find a few short stories that have that much drama in them, so that I can be entertained by their dramatic reactions.

Favorite teacher memory . . . I was co-teaching with a friend about 9-10 years ago and we had this group of kids that were . . . not your ideal student.  Some already had a rap sheet, some were definitely going to have one; they were well known with the principals, the police, and probably a few judges.  They liked us enough- we could talk trash about their terrible taste in NFL teams (Dallas Cowgirls), but we tread lightly, as we were fully aware a hit could be put out on us. This is no story of how we saved them and turned them from a life of crime.  This is a story of how they were respectful and cooperative, and despite them being a little more familiar with the legal system than they should have been- I enjoyed them.  And to my knowledge, I don't have a hit out on me . . . yet.


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