Wide Awake!

It's 3am. I'm wide awake.  Like wide. Awake.  If this stupid house didn't echo so badly, I would do something massively productive.  Finish a load of laundry.  Start a new painting project.  School work.  I mean, if I am going to be awake I might as well use my time.  Except, I really don't want a kid awake right now either.  It could make for a L O N G day, with one in particular.

I'm not sure why I woke up.  I fell sound asleep by 10:30, possibly before Andrew did.  I wanted to see the Syrian refugees come in the Opening Ceremonies.  I wanted to watch Jimmy Fallon and Seth Rogan Lip Synch Battle on The Tonight Show.  The last country I remember seeing was Ghana, because Doug told me he was Ghana do something. Yeah, I was Ghana do something too- snore away.

About a year ago, I started having night sweats.  They started inconsistently, but the last few months it's every night. Forty is a joy y'all.  I mean- I sweat profusely, when I am literally doing nothing.  I guess resetting my brain is harder work than I realized.  (There's like a million jokes you can make with that- and I'm still leaving that statement there)  I considered getting up and changing my shirt because I was that sweaty, but that required finding a shirt (I have all of my clothes in boxes, while I paint my dresser) without waking Doug up.  Ehhh, then I decided a change of venue (to the couch) might help.
This stupid rental we're in does not have ceiling fans. I don't know how people live without ceiling fans.  We sleep with a box fan blowing on us.  However, the fan is on Doug's side of the bed.  He hogs all of the air and only a bit blows over him, onto me. I have considered buying another box fan, but we're only in this rental for a few more weeks, and the new house has glorious, heavenly ceiling fans in every room- as it should be.  Do I really need another box fan sitting around?  No.  That's one more annoying thing to have to store.  I just have to suck it up for a few more weeks.  I can do this.  I will be tough. I mean- there are people who live without air conditioning.  It's a luxury.  I'll just start keeping a Frogg Togg in a cooler, next to my bed, in a cooler with ice blocks, so that when I get hot, I can just drape my neck with it.  That's not weird or luxurious at all.

But now it's been 2 hours.  I'm still awake.  I'm so awake, I've gotten a drink and a snack.  I don't think I have ever done that, even when I was pregnant.  I'm not one of those "wake up in the middle of the night and eat" kinds of people. I'm usually not a "wake up in the middle of the night" people. Once my head hits the pillow, I fall asleep immediately, and usually stay that way.  The beginning of the school year and Christmas are the only times of the year I have insomnia.  I have a few weeks before insomnia should start. And that is usually only for 1 night, but this is the 2nd night in 3 days. This is no bueno.  I don't do well with a lack of sleep.  I become dramatic.  Oh wait.  I already am. My dramatic responses become even more dramatic and irrational.

Since I am apparently not going to use my time to be productive, I should try to beat my insomnia. Math always works for me. I pick a random number: 124 and subtract . . . 6.  I'll subtract 6, and keep subtracting 6 until I get to zero, or as close as I'll get to zero.  If I'm still awake, I'll do it again with different numbers, until I fall asleep.  Some people read, I do math.  It's boring.  It doesn't help my mind to make a distracting connection that gets me off on a tangent and then I am awake again.  I have to think enough that other thoughts can't creep in, but it's not stressful that it gets me worked up. Well, let's hope I can go to sleep, as it's now almost 4am.  I've got a lot to do today, I need my functioning sleep.  Not beauty sleep- that ain't happening at this point.  I just need to function.


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