
I'm not sure why, but lately I've been hearing a lot more about preppers.  You know, people who prepare for some type of extreme, large disaster.  I don't know if this presidential election is such a disaster, it's got people freaking out, or The Walking Dead has us all starting to wonder . . . "What if?", or these "know" something intuitively that the rest of don't. Whatever the reason, the Preppers are getting a lot of internet attention.

Because I like to worry about things that are 75% unlikely to happen: werewolves, zombie cats, Boogey Men, etc . . . I'm going to start worrying about disasters that are kind of unlikely- although not entirely- unlikely.  I don't actually think there will be a zombie apocalypse.  I mean- what?  That's totally unlikely.  30%. . .  well maybe 65% unlikely.  Anyway . . .

My disaster thoughts all started way back in February.  We were eating dinner with a couple of friends who relocated from New Orleans.  They were there during Katrina.  I am fascinated by their experience with that.  Katrina fascinated and horrified me.  The point is, that is a disaster that could happen.  A disaster you may want to be prepared for.  Our friends, unintentionally, gave me some "food for thought."

I actually did a little Pinterest researching about it.  All I have to say to that is, dang y'all.  There are some serious preppers out there.  Here's how I plan to prepare: I am going to stock up on liquor, so I can barter it, batteries (although Doug said I should look into solar powered batteries), ammo (to barter and you know . . . protection), and now I'm trying to convince Doug that maybe we should get some gold.  If the government goes AWOL- cash might not get us what we need, but gold would. That it's.  That's how I'm going to prepare.  I'm not going to go and spend money on Ramen Noodles that will go bad or take up too much space.  However . . . check what some people have come up with!!!
This is a Bulletproof backpack insert!  Heck- we don't need that for a disaster- we need that if we go to any old big city, or really anywhere.  

This just interested me.  i mean- this is real preparation right here.  

Knowing how to build a survival hut could come in handy . . . I am not sure I want Big Brother to know I am looking that sort of stuff up though. I just saw the pin. I didn't click on it.  I'll check it out at the library.  :-)


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