A Brief Hiatus? Or Not? Not Really Sure . . .

So I thought I would do one more blog today to say, stick with me, but posting will probably spotty for the next . . . bit.  School officially starts for me tomorrow, and I just don't know what will happen. The past 2 years, the beginning of the school year has been chaotic. This year . . . fingers crossed, please don't let me jinx myself . . . well things are so far, smooth.  Chaos could happen any minute, because I forgot something super important, and it was due 2 years ago, and why the heck did I fall behind?!!!!   But right now I am not feeling chaotic.

So . . . to tide us over a bit, here are a few random thoughts from my day . . .
1. Alexa got her first bee sting today.  I won't lie- I have dreaded this potential event.  She has a tendency to occasionally react in a way that is a bit more dramatic than is entirely necessary.  When Andrew got stung by a bee for the first time I thought he had been attacked by a mass murderer. Anyone within 100 yards of us thought so as well.  He freaked.  Completely.  Totally.  If that was Andrew's reaction- I couldn't even imagine Alexa's.  Seriously- I couldn't have imagined her complete lack of reaction.  She didn't even cry.  She made a face like she was going to.  She considered it.  I gave her some ice and some sympathy. She sat in her chair for 5 minutes and said, "Eh.  I'm good.  Let's get back in the pool."  WTH just happened here?!!!!  Amen!  Praise the Lord!!!!! That girl is a surprise a minute, I tell you.

2.  I have a food dehydrator.  I just got it this summer.  It's not a fancy-shmancy one.  I paid $20 at Aldi's.  I did some beef jerky with "buy one get on free" london broils.  It was DELICIOUS!!!!  Doug and I have enjoyed it.  I was hoping Andrew would jump on the bandwagon too. I am wanting some high protein, not super filling snacks for him.  I'm not done trying, maybe he'll like tonight's recipe better.  This weekend I did some strawberries in it.  That's the ticket.  I bought more today.  If strawberries that are out of season are that good, I can't imagine what in season strawberries will taste like!  I wanted to try peaches too, but . . . I missed peaches at their peak, and I don't know if I can handle non-peak peaches.  I'm a bit of a pill like that.  I am definitely doing apples in it, and I read somewhere pineapple is divine.  Fruit that is like eating candy?!  Ok.  Sign me up!!!!

3.  I don't know if you are aware, but I have a middle schooler now.  How is this possible?  My sense of humor is just barely more mature than his, but that's only because it's a bit dirtier, not in an actual positive way.  My mind is blown that he is old enough to go to middle school.  I was cleaning out some things the other day and I found a pair of sandals he wore when he was probably 1 years old, maybe two.  They were so teeny.  I just bought him a pair of size 7's that are pretty ugly, but I don't have to wear them, so whatevs.  While I am a little sad that he's growing up and not little and cute.  I am loving his sense of humor, his thoughts on the world (well . . . some of them.  Some of them I could live without knowing), and our conversations.  They're way better than the conversations we had when he was 4.

Well, that's all for tonight.  Maybe I'll surprise myself and keep blogging, but I know my past, and if it's any indication . . . it'll be sporadic at best.


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