
Showing posts from June, 2011

South Carolina Trip

So Alexa and Andrew and I went on an adventure to the Riverbank Zoo and Charleston this week.  I won't lie to you- shortly before we left I got a tidge nervous about traveling alone with 2 kids- one of them being Alexa.  We were staying with one of my oldest and bestest friends- who has no children.  I was frightfully nervous about how things would go.  I know she loves my kids so I wasn't worried about that.  She's been around them plenty- so I wasn't worried about that.  But sometimes people who don't have children aren't used to . . . a) all the questions b) possible endless crying c) lack of privacy d) all the talking and e) all the junk.  It went great for the first 2 days, unfortunately today Alexa began to suffer from ear infections and . .  . was not her sometimes delightful self, but understandably so.  (Alexa has developed Andrew's affinity for ear infections- she now has her 6th double ear infection since April- she's getting her tubes next w

Scaredy Cat

I have a confession.  I am a SCAREDY CAT!!!!  Massively, huge, scaredy cat.  I marvel at my friends who's husbands travel often.  How do they sleep knowing the Boogey Man is out there waiting to get them?!  I spend a good portion of my summer being annoyed with Doug because he's gone and I am spending my nights alone.  Ohhhh, doesn't that sound romantic?  It's not.  Believe me.  I don't wish he was here so I could snuggle up to him.  I wish he was here to protect me from the Boogey Man who is lurking in my closets, under my bed, outside my window, you get the picture.   Just this evening- I had a close call. We had just got back from Charleston, I had the car unpacked, we'd eaten dinner, made a few Lego creations, changed diapers, and kids were in bed.  We'd been in the house- all over the house.  I'd even checked the closets, and bathtubs- no Boogey Man.  So after Andrew went to bed, I was in the kitchen sneaking a few of his Kit Kats (they've b

You Can Look, But For Pete Sake's Don't Touch!

Alexa is like a lioness.   She’s beautiful, impressive, looks soft and cuddly, but if you get to close . . . . I somehow doubt it would change anything, but I should make a sign for Alexa to wear that says, “STOP!   IF YOU CAN READ THIS SIGN YOU’RE CLOSE ENOUGH!   IF YOU GET ANY CLOSER I WILL MOST LIKELY HIT OR KICK YOU!”   I’ll make it in 48 sized, bolded font.   Again, it won’t matter people will still come too close.   They’ll think- as they do now- despite my verbal warning: “She’s a baby!   Of course she likes people in her face, touching her legs, talking baby talk in a high pitched voice.”   Let me assure you, Alexa (who unfortunately seems to be more and more like me) does NOT.   When they get to close for comfort- she hits them- or kicks them -whatever I have not got pinned down at the time. I have been worrying over this for several months now, but lately it has gotten significantly worse- if people get in her space- she will lash out at them.   I can’t say I blame her.   I d

So Blessed, I Shouldn't Forget

I just read an article in "Parents" magazine that really affected me.  It's all about hunger and how 1 in 4 children don't have enough to eat.  Isn't that shocking?  I think many of you that read my blog, have children.  Can you imagine worrying about whether there's enough for them to eat, as opposed to what WILL they eat?  I just read this article with my heart breaking for these parents.  And I sat here and felt guilty for all the non essential things I buy during a day or week and still think of all the things I need .  I looked around my living room and saw all of the things that make my home- my home and felt blessed. A few weeks ago during the sermon at church, the question was asked: "What is your big distraction from praying properly?"  I immediately thought of my children.  I do not blame them or use them as an excuse.  It's just I have noticed that since Alexa arrived on the scene I have a much harder time focusing.  Last year, dur


I have a brother.  He's 11 years younger than me.  I am not sure what we fought about, but when he was 7 and I was 18 we had a lot of disagreements.  I used to "torture" by attacking him and kissing all over his face.  My mother made me stop because she was afraid he'd go to school and tell his teachers I'd tortured him and they wouldn't understand what "torture" meant at the Mamroth household.  He's currently in the Navy, out in the ocean somewhere.  He is an officer on a nuclear submarine.  Since it's a nuclear submarine- or maybe not- but whatever the case- all his information is highly confidential so we don't know when he'll be back, where he is, or what adventures he's partaking in.  I hate that.   I'd love to know what sort of stuff he's doing.  Is he in the Black Sea partaking in the war games that are going on over there?  (which honestly sounds like expensive, nerd stuff).  Is he delivering some Navy Seals to Li

Greenway Walk #1

A friend of mine said she was going to do a Park Passport of all the parks they visited this summer.  I thought that was a brilliant idea!  So I stole it and altered it a bit.  Andrew loves to go for "hikes."  He ain't hiking the Grand Canyon as my Dad has done several summers now- rim to rim.  (isn't he a nut going in August?! But he does and even though he's a grandfather- he can hike the entire Grand Canyon!) Anyway- so Andrew likes to hike on the greenways.  So . . . we went to our first greenway in Charlotte yesterday.  Here are some pictures that he and I took- and the comments are from him.  This is our version of a Greenway Passport. This is the bridge we saw on the path.  I am throwing a stick in the creek.  The creek was very still.  Then I walked away from the creek.  The flowers had a bee on it.  It was sucking nector from the flowers to bring to it's hive to make honey for everybody.  I look very funny on the stairs. 

A Tisket, A Tasket, A Blue and Gold Basket

I am the wife of an FFA Advisor.  I have mixed feelings on this.  Some of them are positive- we've made some very good friends thanks to Doug's direct involvement, and my indirect involvement.  Plus, I see the awesome opportunties Doug has had due to his involvement (thank you Toyota for our shiny, cool truck!).  And then there are all the awesome things it has done for students around the world- because in case you didn't know- FFA is actually an international organization.  But then . . . Doug's dedication can be frustrating.  Perhaps this story- that is totally unrelated- will explain exactly what I mean.  Today Andrew and I are driving down the road and he sees a garbage truck collecting trash.  He is shocked.  It's not Friday (the day our trash is collected) what are they doing?!  So then I explain that the garbage men can't collect all the trash for all of the people on only Friday's.  They work Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, & Friday. 

Running Down a Dream

I have a goal, hope, and dream that I'll be able to run/trot a half marathon in January.  The summer Andrew turned 3 (2008) I started running.  It was a total fluke.  I had been walking a lot and then tried to do a little run and then kept adding distance until I was able to run a mile.  I was 32 years old the first time I was ever able to run a mile.  There are not words to describe the feeling I had when I realized I did it.  I ran a mile!  What a feeling of accomplishment.  I was so proud of myself.  I decided to try for a 5k.  The night before my first 5k I hardly slept.  I had bizarre dreams of being chased or losing miserably.  It was awful.  The first one wasn't so bad.  I wasn't able to run the whole thing- but I was ok with that because I tried and I was going to keep trying.  I got professionally fitted for a very expensive pair of running shoes.  They were horrific!  I had shin splints the entire time.  Bad shin splints.  The cross country coach, showed Doug a

Temper, Temper!

My father- smarty pants that he is found this gem of a video I sent him once and resent it to me.  He felt I would need it.  How right he was!  Here are 2 video clips of my children getting mad, at a similar developmental stage in life, at the same toy, in the same room of our house.  It's hillarious!  Thank goodness for technology!  Andrew shakes his and cries at it.  Alexa tries to bite it. 

An Exhibitionist? Not by choice.

This afternoon I was in my bedroom getting my bathing suit on, to take Andrew and Alexa to the pool.  Doug, Andrew, and Alexa were all sitting on the bed, I was standing at the end of the bed, struggling to get my bathing suit on- as I was a bit sweaty and I am sorry, I don't care who you are, what your body size is- if you're a little sweaty or damp- trying to get your bathing suit on is a work out.  It must have been fascinating business- as all eyes were on me.  Shortly before I had Andrew someone- a friend? aquaintance? my mother? someone- said, "once you have kids- you no longer have privacy."  Amen sister! The day after I had Andrew I had just taken my first shower.  When I got in my shower- there was no one in the room.  When I got out of the shower (which was glorious by the way- I felt a million times better!) . . . there were several people knocking on the door.  I was only in my underwear and debated- do I tell them to take a hike?  Or just suck it up an

Meet the In Laws

Oh boy, this is a classic Kate story.  I can't believe I haven't shared it before.  I couldn't sleep last night.  I tossed and turned, wiggled, twitched, elbowed Doug, and kicked him a few times because he was sleeping- loudly.  At one point, he sprawled out and was all up in my space!  I threw the old elbow and I said, "HEY!  You're taking up the whole bed!"  Doug was pretty asleep and slurred back, as though he was drunk (but I assure you he wasn't) "Well, if your butt wasssnn't tho big, . . ."  The rest was pretty unintelligable, or I just didn't understand as I was in shock.  Well then.  I guess he got the last word.  I just wiggled more.  While I was laying there with my too big butt, wiggling, I thought of blog posts.  And the weekend I met Doug's parents is a good one.  First you need background info: before I even met Doug's parents- Doug had told his parents about me- his description of me was that I weighed 295 and p

Don't Judge . . .

I went for my morning run/walk (run 2, walk 2, run 2, walk 2, run 2, walk 2, get to the top of the hill, pant, heave, gasp, turn the corner away from home and keep going, run 2, walk 2, etc)  For some reason my Chi Omega sisters popped into my head.  Yep, I was in a sorority in college and I am proud of it.  If you're a sorority hater- don't stop reading.  This post isn't necessarily praising sororities, but it is about woman friends.  I was thinking about them as adults.  I was thinking how they've turned into such accomplished, smart, classy women that influence me still, but in even more positive ways.  Obviously in college they influenced me- not always negatively.  However, there was always someone who was willing to ditch some homework (or class) for something more fun.  They influenced me in more positive than negative ways.  Many of my friends were actually quite studious and I didn't want to be the loser with the lowest GPA, so . . . I did actually study

Grinding Teeth and Dominant Children

I went to the dentist today for my 6 month cleaning.  I told them I had 2 sensitive teeth- one on each side of my mouth (does it affect my ability to eat?  Only the first bite.  Once I get that one out of the way- all the other bites are tolerable).  I have been preparing myself for cavitites, but the good dentist says, "Nope- cavity free, you have stress fractures on those 2 teeth and your others are showing significant evidence of you grinding your teeth, that's probably why they're sensitive."  Well I knew I was stressed (if you saw the amount of chocolate I had been consuming- you would either think I was a glutton or a food hoarder- or maybe just both) but that stressed?  I know I lose things (this week I have lost my Flip camera and I am completely depressed.  It took the most wonderful videos) and I know I do stupid things (yesterday I mowed the entire backyard- without the grass catcher bag and I didn't even notice until I went to remove it and empty it. D

I'm Still 20 Years Old- Right?

Sometimes I forget that I am not still 20 years old.  I mean, in my head, I am still 20.  I can physically do the things I used to do- and even more.  When I was 20 I couldn't run at all, 2 years ago I ran 6 miles (I am hoping in 4 months I'll be running that distance again!).  I listen to the same music (thank goodness Darius Rucker is cool again).  I pretty much wear the same clothes: t-shirts, jeans, and flip flops- albeit the size is a smidge different.  I just can't see how I am different than a 20 year old.  In fact, here's an example: tonight we were riding back from visiting Nana and Poppy.  I had unbuckled and turned around to the backseat so I could cover Alexa up and help Andrew get his pillow situated so he could fall asleep.  While I am leaning into the back, Doug says, "Dude passing us has a great view of your rear."  So I said, "Should I take my pants down and moon him?!"  And you know what, I really considered it.  And the only thing

This Just Makes Me Smile

I am supposed to be trying to find a picture of Doug's truck for a scavenger hunt I am doing for Andrew's 6th birthday present, however I found these and they're too doggone cute to not be shared.  Doesn't he just make you smile?!  So now, instead of looking for the picture, I am sitting here watching all his videos and crying because I miss the little Andrew- as much as I love the big Andrew.  How does it happen so fast?!  

A True Artiste

A True Artiste Alexa has been working to improve the artistic presentation of her temper tantrums the last several days.   She must be like her Aunt Kelly and won’t stop working until her art is exactly the way wants it and completely perfect.   And lucky for her, she feels like she has had many opportunities to perfect her craft: the door wouldn’t stay open, I opened the bag, her friend touched her, her teacher had to go to the restroom, etc.   A month ago, she liked to pitch herself backwards when she pitched her fits.   However, she discovered that that method is painful.   So then she altered, and would pitch herself forward, it took her a few tries to figure out, she has to make sure she can’t throw her head forward too, because then she crashes it on the floor and that too, hurts.   Here are some samples of what she’s currently trying out.   (I would turn my speakers down- as you don’t want to hear the accompanying sound effects.) I am thinking of helping her out and utilizing

You Can Take Your First Grader . . .

Today I fixed Andrew's last lunch . . . . as a kindergartner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  bwaaaaaaaaaaa How did my sweet, squishy boy Andrew at 1 year old Get to this?!!! Andrew styling his mohawk  Or from this?  Andrew at 3 months old  To this?!  Andrew at Terrific Kids Ceremony Or from this?!!! Andrew at 7 months old  To this?!!!! Andrew on First Day of Kingergarten.

Baby Pool Through the Eye of the ipad

This past Saturday afternoon my kids entertained themselves for 45 minutes with a bucket of water. I decided if a bucket of water's that entertaining, I better go replace the old baby pool (that is currently holding rocks).   Aren't those thighs fantastic?!  This picture just made me laugh for some reason. And while brother's may be turds sometimes, sometimes they will go to any extent to make their sister laugh, no matter how wet, silly, or whatever it might be!

Do Me a Favor, Don't Drop In

I remember one time a few years into teaching, a lady I taught with said something about having a friend that was to come to her house and clean it up super fast if she died, because she didn't want anyone else to see her house.  I- being young, and still single- had no concept of what she spoke of.  I was baffled by how her house could be anything else but clean.  I mean seriously- how hard is it to keep your house clean?  How I have come to eat those words- as with many others.  Let me say, I completely understand what that woman meant now.  And Doug- should I perish in the night, day, or whenever- I don't care if you're frought with grief, you better channel that grief into some serious cleaning!  I would be horrified if people saw what my house is like on a daily basis. Today I was speaking with my mother and telling her a tale about Alexa.  She said, "That sounds like a blog post to me!"  And I said, "I don't know, it's a little embarrasing.&qu

Embarrasing Dads

Have you seen this story on yahoo? It's an article about a dad dressing in costumes daily- while waving at his high school aged son- on the bus.  Here's the blog they did:   I highly recommend checking it out- it's funny and creative and I like it! This story reminded my of my own Dad.  Let me just say, I love my Dad.  He's an all around good guy, who bestowed upon me his great sense of humor- and eventually- his laid back personality.  It took a long time and children, but it finally set in.  My Dad is a bit of a prankster, however- he can take it as well as he can dish it.  That is something that my son loves about his Poppy.  He LOVES to tease his Poppy.  I love this picture of my Dad and Andrew.  They both looks so doggone cute! When I was in elementary school my good friend lived next door to the love of m

Ode To Pioneer Woman

I think an Ode is supposed to be a poem, however I will not tortue you with my ineptitude at poetry.  Do you know who The Pioneer Woman is?  I am going to go out on a limb and say . . . (hopefully not offending anyone) she is like the Oprah Winfrey of blogs.  She has done for blogging, what Oprah did for . . . well, all that she did.  Here's a link to her blog: Here are all the reasons I love her: 1. I love almost all of her recipes.  We have entire meals- from her.  Tonight we ate taco pizza and let me just say- it was fantastic!  I am not sure what my favorite part was- but anything with black beans, colby jack cheese, and that delicious sour cream/hot sauce- I'll eat it! Plus her recipe for homemade pizza dough is DYNOMITE and crazy easy!  Last week it was her Knock You Naked Brownies.  The week before that it was her Dr. Pepper Chipotle shredded pork.  And those are the new recipes- not the ones that are so much a part of regular menu I have