South Carolina Trip
So Alexa and Andrew and I went on an adventure to the Riverbank Zoo and Charleston this week. I won't lie to you- shortly before we left I got a tidge nervous about traveling alone with 2 kids- one of them being Alexa. We were staying with one of my oldest and bestest friends- who has no children. I was frightfully nervous about how things would go. I know she loves my kids so I wasn't worried about that. She's been around them plenty- so I wasn't worried about that. But sometimes people who don't have children aren't used to . . . a) all the questions b) possible endless crying c) lack of privacy d) all the talking and e) all the junk. It went great for the first 2 days, unfortunately today Alexa began to suffer from ear infections and . . . was not her sometimes delightful self, but understandably so. (Alexa has developed Andrew's affinity for ear infections- she now has her 6th double ear infection since April- she's getting her ...