
I've been hearing a LOT about the movie, Dumplin' on Netflix.  I finally decided I could stop reading, and start watching some Netflix.  I started with this one.


It was so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I had a hard time falling asleep afterwards, because I was thinking about it.  Have you watched it? Jennifer Aniston starred and produced it.  Dolly Parton contributed 6 previous songs and wrote one for it.  If you haven't seen it, or heard about it- it's about a girl struggling with her relationship with her mother- who happens to be a small town beauty queen.  The mom is considered "traditionally" beautiful and the girl is struggling to feel confident with who she is.

What I like about it:
1. The setting is a small Southern town with some quirky side characters.  (I love Southern, Mid-Western, or Alaskan settings.  With one of those settings- you're in for a good movie.)
2. The soundtrack.  I didn't realize I knew so many Dolly Parton songs and liked them!
3. It's a feel good movie. Light-hearted. I didn't feel like a political agenda was being crammed down my throat. Was there a social message? Sure, but it's one I like to see being pushed, so I was okay with it.
4. Mostly female cast, emphasizing strong female to female relationships (friend to friend, mom to daughter, aunt to niece).
5. The girl took care of a male bully in a way that anyone can manage.  I don't have to have skills in judo, karate, or ninja bad assery to do what she did.  It was effective and straightforward.  Go girl!
6. The ending.
7. The main character had a creative Southern Double Name.  (fun fact: I wanted Alexa to have a double name, but nothing traditional like: MaryAnn. I wanted it to be more unique.  One time I was in a store, and there was apparently a young girl crawling around under the clothing racks.  Her mother kept yelling, "Sarah Francis!  Sarah Francis, where are you?! Anyway, Doug refused to even allow Sarah Francis- or any other double name- to even be considered.  Alas, my troubles in life.)

Anything I would have changed about the movie:
1. The main character wasn't a great actress and sometimes it distracted me.
2. Jennifer Aniston wasn't enough of a Texa Beauty Queen.  Her hair wasn't big enough, and her clothes were too conservative.  She was a muted version of what I think a Beauty Queen from Texas should be. 

If you're in the mood for light hearted, feel good- you- my little Dumplin's will not regret it.  :-)


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