Cease and Desist

I sent one of Andrew's teachers a Cease and Desist letter today.  It was time.  They had overstepped their boundaries. 

You need some background information first: 
1. Andrew is in 8th grade, and this is the first year he's ever had male teachers (besides his elementary PE teacher that he loved).  He likes all of them, but one in particular he LOVES.  Everyday I hear Mr. B stories.  The funny jokes he tells.  The awesome thing he taught.  The amazing thing he said.  Mr. B is literally the coolest dude in the entire world.  I've emailed him to let him know.  
Mr. B loves sports.  Apparently there is a regular conversation about college football.  Mr. B is a HUGE University of Georgia fan. 
This teacher has also taught with Doug and I, and as a result we know him as more than "just one of Andrew's teachers."  I remember his kids coming through high school.  I know what his wife's job is.  I know what his favorite hobbies are, and who is bff's are.  

2. Andrew has grown up in a household that is solely NC State fans.  There are no other teams- except the ones that beat University of North Carolina.  They are okay too.  Otherwise- we're NC State all the way.  Go Pack!!!! We went to the Gator Bowl on New Years Eve.  And part of Andrew's soul was shattered irrevocably that night, by the spectacular way they lost to Texas A&M.  It was one of his greatest disappointments up to this point in 13 years of life.  
Andrew is feeling the waters of possibly . . . (gasp) . . . (I can't hardly even say the words, it's too shocking), moving . . . from cheering for ACC teams to . .  cheer...ing . . . for (gulp) Georgia!!!!!!  WHAT HAVE WE DONE WRONG?!!!!!!

Drastic measures must be taken. 

I decided it was time to give him a "Cease and Desist" letter.  Here's what I wrote: 

Dear Mr. B, 
As a family of lifelong NC State fans, several of which are honest to goodness alumni, and paid their dues (literally and figuratively), we request that you stop speaking so positively of the University of Georgia athletic program.  Your incessant encouragement of this school is causing our son confusion in his loyalty.

Under the laws in the State of North Carolina, it is unlawful for an individual to make deliberate statements that intend to harm a person’s familial loyalties.  Your inaccurate and unfounded praise for your school team, is creating potential deterioration in family bonds.

Thank you for your attention to this matter,


The Latta Family

I got an immediate response: Game On . . . What size shirt does Andrew wear?
Uh oh. This may have backfired, and Andrew may happily be wearing red, black, and red . . . Bulldog colors. WAAAAAAAAA


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