29 Get Ups, Positive #7
#1. I sold tickets at the baseball games on Friday night. I know they won . . . but I don't know much more than that, because another teacher showed up just to chat. She was on her way home, remembered I was selling tickets, and decided to stop by and visit. I love that! She's super fun, and I had an enjoyable time with her. #2. My 4th period. They're so cute. Sneaky McSneakersons weren't present, so I could focus on the cuties, and not Beavis and Butthead plotting World Domination- or whatever. #3. Technically this wasn't on Friday . . . but I dropped by Prom on Saturday night. I love seeing them all snazzed up. They're so pretty/handsome and proud of themselves for looking so good. Plus I got some extra visiting in with teachers I don't visit with often enough. I feel this will be a good time to tell you . . . my prom story. I went only 1 time. It was 10th grade and it was enough ...