Hydrangea Bush

So a LONG time ago (11 years and 2 months) we moved into this house.  About a month after we moved in, I had Doug doing yardwork.  What can I say, I'm a tough overseer (I say overseer, because mostly I suggest things, participate a bit- and let Doug do the bulk of the work.  He's so much better at it than I am, which is my story and I am sticking to it). 

The first thing we did was create a landscape area outside the living room windows.  During this project we transplanted a hydrangea bush.  For the next 9 years that stupid, stubborn bush refused to bloom.  Absolutely, and completely refused to bloom. It grew and grew and had the most lovely green leaves (probably from all that lovely fertilizer I put on it). The spring we had a contract on our house and were packing up to move out of it- the doggone, spiteful thing bloomed.  Only two little blooms, but they taunted me everytime I looked out the window at them.  They were winking at me cheekily.  I know it.  Well we certainly showed that hydrangea bush- because hah! we moved back into our house!!!!  The next spring there were quite a few more blooms.  They looked resigned though, as if they were thinking, "Well fine, if you people won't leave, I guess I'll bloom, if I must." 

Then this spring, holy smokes!!!!  It's simply beautiful!  There are TONS of the most beautiful, dark purple and magenta blooms all over it!!!  I have forgiven it for all those years of dormancy, learned to never replant it again, and hope that the blooms I cut off this afternoon to put in my house, won't cause the whole doggone plant to wither and die overnight.  

Because I LOVE it so much, I am posting about it. 


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