Baseball Wreath

I need to put a warning on this post, so that before you read this, you know: a middle school boy wrote this.  It was definitely not me.  I would never be so immature. 

I saw this cool wreath for the front door on Pinterest, and decided it would be perfect for my house!  (if you don't want to read the version written by the middle school boy, check the link that I got this idea from:  This girl is surprisingly mature.) 

The project begins like this:
Me (to Doug): Hey, I saw this really cool idea on Pinterest, will you do it?
Doug: (eye rolls, sigh of disinterest): What is it?
Me: A wreath for the front door made of baseballs!!! Here look at this cool picture:
Doug: (more sighing, but he went to the building and got a drill).  Hey, do you want me to bring in the bucket of clean balls or dirty balls?  (hahahahaha)
Me: Dirty balls, definitely (hahahahaha) because then it looks more authentic, but let's use a few clean balls too, just for some variety. 

So, Doug starts drilling the balls (hahahahaha)

Then we fed a wire hanger that we stretched out through all the balls (hahahaha), and connected them:

And, here's the final product.  Isn't it cool?!  Super easy project that was crazy cheap (since we have 4 buckets of balls- both clean and dirty) and unique. 


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